課程名稱 (中) 學術英語聽講(9908)
(Eng.) English for Academic Communication: Listening and Speaking
開課單位 語言中心
課程類別 必修 學分 2 授課教師 陳昭蓉
選課單位 不限系所 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI N 開課學期 1132
課程簡述 This EAP course(English for Academic Purposes) aims to help students advance
academic English in listening and speaking for academic study, which provides
students with effective approaches to related academic vocabulary, online
academic English learning resources and the structure of thesis by learning
academic vocabulary in different fields, learning note-taking skills, listening to
different genres of academic lectures and learning critical thinking strategies. In
this way, this course is designed to pave a solid foundation for further academic
study in the future.
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
1. To advance students’ listening
and speaking ability in academic
2. To develop effective notetaking strategies for academic
3. To learn the structure of
thesis and give simple
presentations on the outline of
4. To strengthen the skills at
organizing and comprehending
by listening to academic
lectures in different scenarios.
週次 授課內容
第1週 Course Introduction / Unit Six: Design With Purpose (Design)
【Listening A】 What is Good Design?
【Listening B】 The Design Process
【Critical Thinking】 Make Inferences
【Speaking Task】 Discuss the Design of Everyday Items
第2週 Unit Six: Design With Purpose (Design)
【Listening A】 What is Good Design?
【Listening B】 The Design Process
【Critical Thinking】 Make Inferences
【Speaking Task】 Discuss the Design of Everyday Items
第3週 Unit Six: Design With Purpose (Design)
【Listening A】 What is Good Design?
【Listening B】 The Design Process
【Critical Thinking】 Make Inferences
【Speaking Task】 Discuss the Design of Everyday Items
第4週 Unit Six: Design With Purpose (Design)
【Listening A】 What is Good Design?
【Listening B】 The Design Process
【Critical Thinking】 Make Inferences
【Speaking Task】 Discuss the Design of Everyday Items
第5週 Unit Seven: Inspired to Protect (Environmental Sciences)
【Listening A】 Fighting Environmental Fatigue
【Listening B】 Hope for the Future
【Critical Thinking】 Prioritize
【Speaking Task】 Persuade others to act
第6週 Unit Seven: Inspired to Protect (Environmental Sciences)
【Listening A】 Fighting Environmental Fatigue
【Listening B】 Hope for the Future
【Critical Thinking】 Prioritize
【Speaking Task】 Persuade others to act
第7週 Unit Seven: Inspired to Protect (Environmental Sciences)
【Listening A】 Fighting Environmental Fatigue
【Listening B】 Hope for the Future
【Critical Thinking】 Prioritize
【Speaking Task】 Persuade others to act
第8週 Unit Eight: Traditional and Modern Medicine (Health/Medicine)
【Listening A】 Plant-based Medicine
【Listening B】 The Placebo Effect
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluate Claims
【Speaking Task】 Discuss Common Remedies from the Kitchen
第9週 Unit Eight: Traditional and Modern Medicine (Health/Medicine)
【Listening A】 Plant-based Medicine
【Listening B】 The Placebo Effect
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluate Claims
【Speaking Task】 Discuss Common Remedies from the Kitchen
第10週 Midterm Oral Presentation (Topics from Unit 6~7)
第11週 Unit Eight: Traditional and Modern Medicine (Health/Medicine)
【Listening A】 Plant-based Medicine
【Listening B】 The Placebo Effect
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluate Claims
【Speaking Task】 Discuss Common Remedies from the Kitchen
第12週 Unit Nine: Uncovering the Past (Anthropology/History)
【Listening A】 Was It a Toy?
【Listening B】 Why Care About Archaeology?
【Critical Thinking】 Draw Conclusions
【Speaking Task】 Present a Historical Mystery
第13週 Unit Nine: Uncovering the Past (Anthropology/History)
【Listening A】 Was It a Toy?
【Listening B】 Why Care About Archaeology?
【Critical Thinking】 Draw Conclusions
【Speaking Task】 Present a Historical Mystery
第14週 Unit Nine: Uncovering the Past (Anthropology/History)
【Listening A】 Was It a Toy?
【Listening B】 Why Care About Archaeology?
【Critical Thinking】 Draw Conclusions
【Speaking Task】 Present a Historical Mystery
第15週 Unit Ten: Feelings & Emotions (Psychology)
【Listening A】 Are Emotions Universal?
【Listening B】 How Does It Make You Feel?
【Critical Thinking】 Question What You Hear
【Speaking Task】 Discuss your emotional reactions to places
第16週 Unit Ten: Feelings & Emotions (Psychology) / Online Flexible Course
【Listening A】 Are Emotions Universal?
【Listening B】 How Does It Make You Feel?
【Critical Thinking】 Question What You Hear
【Speaking Task】 Discuss your emotional reactions to places
第17週 Unit Ten: Feelings & Emotions (Psychology) / Online Flexible Course
【Listening A】 Are Emotions Universal?
【Listening B】 How Does It Make You Feel?
【Critical Thinking】 Question What You Hear
【Speaking Task】 Discuss your emotional reactions to places
第18週 Final Recording Submission (Topics from Unit 9~10)
Presence, class participation & assignment(30%)
Midterm exam (35%)
Final exam(35%)
Pathways 3 B: Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking (Third Edition) (Book 3B /Unit 6~10)
National Geographic Learning

1. Academic Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press.
2. Academic English Oral Presentation (英文研究論文發表口語報告指引) 廖柏森,台北, 眾文, 2010
Online learning resources from ELTNGL.com/Pathways

Other supplementary materials and handouts will be distributed in class.
Friday 13:00~15:00 (by appointment)
03.健康與福祉   07.可負擔能源   09.工業、創新基礎建設   11.永續城市   12.責任消費與生產   13.氣候行動   15.陸地生態提供體驗課程:N
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2025/02/19 15:50:13 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 14