課程名稱 (中) 統計學(二)(2030)
(Eng.) Statistics (II)
開課單位 國農企學程
課程類別 選修 學分 3 授課教師 張嘉玲
選課單位 國農企學程 / 學士班 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI Y 開課學期 1132
課程簡述 The second semester of the Statistics course is designed to build upon the foundational knowledge acquired in the first semester (Course Number 2099). This course offers deeper explanations of key statistical concepts and introduces advanced techniques for analyzing data. The content covers probability distributions (discrete and continuous), two-way ANOVA, Chi-square tests, simple regression, and multiple regression analysis. Students will engage in hands-on learning, applying these concepts to real-world scenarios in agriculture, business, and life sciences.

A key feature of the course is the integration of statistical software, including Excel with PHStat or R, enabling students to effectively apply statistical tools in research and professional contexts. By the end of the semester, students will be equipped to conduct comprehensive statistical analyses and interpret results with confidence.

Prerequisite: Students must have completed the Statistics course (Course Number 2099) in the first semester to enroll in this course. Students without basic knowledge of statistics or sufficient motivation are not recommended to take this course.
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
The course objectives are focused on advancing students' understanding of statistical concepts by introducing more advanced topics, including probability distributions, ANOVA, Chi-square tests, and regression analysis. Students will learn to apply these statistical methods to real-world scenarios in fields such as agriculture, business, and life sciences, enhancing their problem-solving abilities in practical contexts. A significant emphasis is placed on the use of statistical software, including Excel with PHStat or R, to equip students with the skills needed to perform data analysis effectively. By the end of the course, students will have developed the ability to conduct and interpret statistical research with confidence, while also gaining a deeper understanding of the strengths and limitations of various statistical methods to support informed decision-making.
週次 授課內容
第1週 Course introduction
第2週 Probability Distributions (Discrete)
第3週 Probability Distributions (Continuous)
第4週 Two-Way ANOVA (Part 1 Introduction)
第5週 Two-Way ANOVA (Part 2 Advanced)
第6週 Chi-Square Tests (Part 1 Goodness of Fit)
第7週 Chi-Square Tests (Part 2 Independence)
第8週 Midterm exam covering Weeks 1–7 content
第9週 Simple Regression (Part 1 )
第10週 Simple Regression (Part 2 Advanced)
第11週 Multiple Regression (Part 1 Introduction)
第12週 Multiple Regression (Part 2 Diagnostics and Assumptions)
第13週 Multiple Regression (Part 3 Model Building and Selection)
第14週 Multiple Regression (Applications and Reporting)
第15週 Report Writing
第16週 Term Report Presentation
第17週 self-directed learning
第18週 self-directed learning
The assessment for the subject is as follows:
class participation( + classwork): 25%
midterm: 30%
final: 30%
Satinerock R. Statistics with R (2e), SAGE
Levine/ Stephan/Szabat, Business Statistics A First Course (7e), Pearson Education Limited
2016. (雙葉書局代理)
See i-learning
By appointment
08.就業與經濟成長   17.全球夥伴提供體驗課程:N
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2025/01/08 11:51:51 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 14