課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) |
課程目標之教學方法與評量方法 |
課程目標 |
核心能力 |
配比(%) |
教學方法 |
評量方法 |
Having completed this course, students are able to understand the process of entrepreneurship, to develop the skills of making business plans, to develop team building capability, and to have the capability of completing the entrepreneurial project. |
1.具批判思考能力 |
4.具跨領域創新思維能力 |
5.具協調與整合的領導能力 |
授課內容(單元名稱與內容、習作/每週授課、考試進度-共18週) |
週次 |
授課內容 |
第1週 |
課程介紹Introduction of this course |
第2週 |
設計思考Design thinking |
第3週 |
創業心智-要想得夠大Entrepreneurial mind – Think big enough
問題&演練:誰能成為創業家 (The myths about entrepreneurs)
Question and Exercise: Who can be entrepreneurs?
第4週 |
種子基金專案報告 (Project report of seed-fund) |
第5週 |
Exercise:How to integrate the opportunity, team and resources into the social entrepreneurship project to help the minority people.
演練:為幫助弱勢團體,應如何整合機會、團隊和資源到社會創業專案中 |
第6週 |
創業專題小組研討 Entrepreneurial Project Discussion (I)
※Every group members get together to discuss the entrepreneurial project topic, interview questions, data collection (e.g. magazine, internet…) and jog assignment.
※Every group needs to prepare one laptop to record the above work.
第7週 |
設計思考專案的商業模式Business model in the Design Thinking Project
遊戲Game:商業模式圖: Business model canvas
第8週 |
第9週 |
Case Study
High-growing new venture: Zappos
第10週 |
Presentation: Q&A of Zappos |
第11週 |
創業專題小組研討 Entrepreneurial Project Discussion (II)
第12週 |
國的創業精神影響全球America’s entrepreneurial revolution goes global
第13週 |
Entrepreneurial Opportunities 創業機會
Video Teaching and discussion |
第14週 |
Entrepreneurial project presentation 創業專題報告 |
第15週 |
Entrepreneurial project presentation 創業專題報告 |
第16週 |
Entrepreneurial project presentation 創業專題報告 |
第17週 |
第18週 |
期末考週 Final week |
學習評量方式 |
Attendance and participation (20%)
Design thinking project (40% ):This is a group competition. Students need to form an entrepreneurial team including several members. The team needs to present the innovative idea and business model and market opportunity…etc by using the design thinking process. In the last week, the team needs to work together to present the product or service with prototype and the video.
Company visit (10%)
NCHU’s incubating center visit (10%)
Case study report – Burt’s Bees (20%): Students need to write 1-3 pages about the key points raised from the case and what they have learned from the case study – Burt’s Bees.
教科書&參考書目(書名、作者、書局、代理商、說明) |
Bygrave, W. & Zacharakis, A. (2008). Entrepreneurship, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ((台北,華泰)。
Timmons, J.A. & Spinelli, S. (2007). New venture creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st century, 7th Edn., NY: McGraw-Hill (台北,華泰)。
陳明惠 (2010). 創業管理,台北:華泰書局,(審校)。(原著:Bygrave, W. & Zacharakis, A. Entrepreneurship, MA: John Wiley & Sons.)
E. Turban, D. King, J. Lee, T.-P. Liang, & D. Turban (2012), Electronic Commerce 2012: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective (7th Edition), Prentice Hall, ISBN: 9780273761341.
課程教材(教師個人網址請列在本校內之網址) |
課程輔導時間 |
Thursday, 12-1pm
聯合國全球永續發展目標(連結網址) |