週次 |
授課內容 |
第1週 |
研究主題設計與規畫I (Introduction, part I) 廖俊旺 |
第2週 |
研究主題設計與規畫 II (Introduction, part II) 廖俊旺 |
第3週 |
研究文獻資料之搜尋I (Reference searching, part I) 廖俊旺
第4週 |
研究文獻資料之搜尋II (Reference searching, part II) 廖俊旺 |
第5週 |
實驗動物處理之技術與應用I (Assistant for laboratory animals, part I) 廖俊旺 |
第6週 |
實驗動物處理之技術與應用II (Assistant for laboratory animals, part II) 廖俊旺
第7週 |
實驗動物模式之研究趨勢I (Laboratory animal models, part I) 廖俊旺
第8週 |
實驗動物模式之研究趨勢II (Laboratory animal models, part II) 廖俊旺
第9週 |
心血管及致肝癌動物模式之技術應用I (Application for cardiovascular and hepatocarcinogenesis, part I) 邱慧英 |
第10週 |
心血管及致肝癌動物模式之技術應用II (Application for cardiovascular and hepatocarcinogenesis, part II) 邱慧英 |
第11週 |
肝損傷模式之研究及應用技巧I (Liver injured model, part I) 邱慧英 |
第12週 |
肝損傷模式之研究及應用技巧II (Liver injured model, part II) 邱慧英 |
第13週 |
心血管及致肝癌之研究與趨勢I (Research trend of cardiovascular and hepatocarcinogenesis, part I) 邱慧英
第14週 |
心血管及致肝癌之研究與趨勢II (Research trend of cardiovascular and hepatocarcinogenesis, part II) 邱慧英 |
第15週 |
實驗動物學等相關文獻導讀I (References for laboratory animals, part I) 邱慧英 |
第16週 |
實驗動物學等相關文獻導讀II (References for laboratory animals, part II) 邱慧英 |
第17週 |
實驗動物病理學等相關文獻導讀 (References for toxicopathology) 邱慧英 |
第18週 |
綜合討論 (Discussion) |
1. Guidance for Industry Estimating the Maximum Safe Starting Dose in Initial Clinical Trials for Therapeutics in Adult Healthy Volunteers U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), July 2005, Pharmacology and Toxicology. Page 27.
2. Linden M, Ward JM, and Cherian S. 2011. Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Chapter 19. In: Treuting PM and Dintzis SM. Eds. Comparative Anatomy and Histology: A Mouse and Human Atlas. pp. 309-338.
3. Rolls GO, Farmer NJ, and Hall JB. 2008. Artifacts in histological and cytological preparations. Scientia Leica Microsystems’ Education Series. pp. 112.
4. Rendi MH, Muehlenbachs A, Garcia RL, and Boyd KL. 2011. Female Reproductive System. Chapter 17. In: Treuting PM and Dintzis SM. Eds. Comparative Anatomy and Histology: A Mouse and Human Atlas. pp. 253-284
5. Yu JY L, Cheng CK, Chen BJ, Cheng MJ, Cheng HH, Chang WJ, Chen HHC, Hong CC, Lee PJ, Liang SC, Sheu KS, Sung YY, Weng CN, Tsai CW, Wang CS, Wang MH, Yen and LS, Yu CK. 2005. A Guideline for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Published by the Chinese Society for the Laboratory Animal Science, 3rd Edition, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC (in Chinese).