週次 |
授課內容 |
第1週 |
課程架構介紹(Introduction) 楊程堯(Cheng-Yao Yang) |
第2週 |
豬病疫情資訊探索(Explore global epidemic information of swine disease) 楊程堯(Cheng-Yao Yang) |
第3週 |
新女豬培育計畫對豬隻疾病之影響(The impact of gilt breeding program and swine diseases) 楊程堯(Cheng-Yao Yang) |
第4週 |
母豬餵養計畫對豬隻疾病之影響(The impact of sow breeding program and swine diseases) 楊程堯(Cheng-Yao Yang) |
第5週 |
病原鑑定方法與時機(Methods of swine pathogen identificaton) 楊程堯(Cheng-Yao Yang)
第6週 |
豬隻動物生產醫學(Reproductive medicine of swine) 楊程堯(Cheng-Yao Yang) |
第7週 |
口蹄疫之控制與撲滅(Control and elimination of food and mouth disease) 楊程堯(Cheng-Yao Yang) |
第8週 |
非洲豬瘟之控制 (Control of African swine fever) 楊程堯(Cheng-Yao Yang) |
第9週 |
分子診斷結果之判讀與應用(Application and interpretation of molecular diagnosis) 宣詩玲(Shih-Ling Hsuan) |
第10週 |
病原診斷方法之應用(Application of pathogen diagnostic method) 宣詩玲(Shih-Ling Hsuan) |
第11週 |
飼料添加物與動物疾病(Feed additives and animal diseases II) 楊程堯(Cheng-Yao Yang) |
第12週 |
抗體檢測方法之選用與判讀(Selection and interpretation of serology methods) 宣詩玲(Shih-Ling Hsuan) |
第13週 |
豬隻重要病毒疾病特論(Special Topics on Pig Viral Diseases) 宣詩玲(Shih-Ling Hsuan) |
第14週 |
豬隻重要細菌疾病特論(Special Topics on Pig Bacterial Diseases) 宣詩玲(Shih-Ling Hsuan) |
第15週 |
豬隻重要寄生蟲疾病特論(Special Topics on Pig Parasitic Diseases) 宣詩玲(Shih-Ling Hsuan) |
第16週 |
上台報告與討論 Presentation and discussion 楊程堯(Cheng-Yao Yang) |
第17週 |
Self-directed learning (attending relevant lectures, seminars or studying teacher-designated materials) |
第18週 |
Self-directed learning (attending relevant lectures, seminars or studying teacher-designated materials) |