課程名稱 (中) 電子商務安全管理(6131)
(Eng.) E-Commerce Security Management
開課單位 科管所
課程類別 選修 學分 3 授課教師 張樹之
選課單位 科管所 / 碩士班 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI Y 開課學期 1132
課程簡述 In addition to the basic computer science security information, which is nice to know, this course also describes how to create security plans and architectures that meet the specific needs of e-Commerce graduates and their e-Commerce security practice. Students will get a broad and comprehensive understanding of security issue, and learn how to manage security on a daily basis and when security breaches occur. (***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
In addition to the basic computer science security information, which is nice to know, this course also describes how to create security plans and architectures that meet the specific needs of e-Commerce graduates and their e-Commerce security practice. Students will get a broad and comprehensive understanding of security issue, and learn how to manage security on a daily basis and when security breaches occur. (***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
週次 授課內容
第1週 The Threat Environment
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第2週 2/28: No classes today; National holiday
第3週 Networking Concepts
第4週 Planning and Policy
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第5週 Cryptography
Hands-on Project 1
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第6週 Secure Networks
Hands-on Project 2
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第7週 4/4: No classes today; National holiday
第8週 Access Control
Hands-on Project 3
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第9週 Firewalls
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第10週 Host Hardening
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第11週 Hands-on Projects 4 & 5
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第12週 Application Security
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第13週 Data Protection
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第14週 Hands-on Projects 6 & 7
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第15週 5/30: No classes today; National holiday (Dragon Boat Festival)
第16週 Incident and Disaster Response
Hands-on Project 8
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
第17週 Advanced Security Project on Social Engineering Attack Protection (Self-directed learning).
第18週 Self-learning on Academic Papers, and Final Review (Self-directed learning).
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
1. Class Participation and discussion 20%
2. EC Security Hands-on Projects 60%
3. Final Advanced Project 20%
4. Extra Bonus for Completing Academic Paper Assignments
R. Boyle & R. Panko, Corporate Computer Security, 4th edition, Pearson Asia, 2015, ISBN: 9781292060453. (滄海書局總代理).

Additional materials announced in class.
The NCHU iLearning platform
(***NOTE: This course will be conducted/taught in Mandarin.)
17:10 to 18:00, Friday; or by appointment.
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2025/03/11 13:49:44 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 14