課程名稱 (中) 植物基因體學(6365)
(Eng.) Plant Genomics
開課單位 生技所
課程類別 選修 學分 2 授課教師 呂維茗 等
選課單位 生技所 / 碩士班 授課使用語言 中文 英文/EMI N 開課學期 1132
課程簡述 隨著基因組解序技術的進步與成本下降,基因體學已成為現代生物學的核心工具,特別是在植物研究領域。相較於人類與動物基因體資源的豐富性,植物基因體研究往往需從零開始,對每個物種進行序列解碼、組裝與註解,以建立基礎研究工具。本課程將帶領學生掌握DNA 定序、序列分析、基因表現偵測與定量,以及差異表現基因群的解析,進一步探索基因體學在植物生物學中的應用。

課程內容涵蓋四大核心主題:基因體結構與基因調控機制、結構基因體學(Structural Genomics)、功能基因體學(Functional Genomics),以及植物基因功能解析與基因編輯技術。學生將學習染色體圖譜、物理圖譜與遺傳圖譜的構建方法,並掌握多種 DNA 分子標誌技術(如 SNP、SSR),進一步了解 GWAS、基因體數據庫與後基因體學時代的研究趨勢。此外,課程亦涵蓋 mRNA 分析技術(如 RNA-Seq、qPCR、數位 PCR)及基因功能研究工具(如 RNAi、CRISPR/Cas9),探討如何透過基因編輯技術精確改良植物性狀。

課程含自主學習 N
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
1. 期望學生獲知現今基因體學的發展,技術與應用。

週次 授課內容
第1週 2/18: Introduction (呂維茗)

An overview of genome biology (楊長賢)
2/25: Plant genome organization
3/4: Plant gene regulation
Student’s oral report (時間另訂,約在6/10)

Structural Genomics (呂維茗)
3/11: Structure of the eukaryotic genome- Cytogenetic map
1. Single sequence DNA (Promoters, CpG island, 5-methylcytosine, Bisulfite sequencing)
2. Intermediate repeat DNA (Retrotransposon, DNA transposon, Tandem repeat gene arrays)
3. Highly repetitive DNA (Satellite, Minisatellite, Microsatellite/SSR)
4. Techniques for cytogenetic study (Chromosomal banding, Chromosomal FISH)

3/18: How to sequence a genome? Physical map
5. Whole genome shotgun (WGS) approach (N50 & L50)
6. Clone-by-clone approach (“Landmark” molecular markers- STS & EST, Vectors, Strategies for clone-contig constructions, Physical gaps)

3/25: From phenotype to gene - Genetic map (4/1: 放假)
7. “Polymorphic” molecular markers (RFLP, CAP, RAPD, AFLP, SCAR, SSR, INDEL, SNP, dCAP)
8. Coarse mapping
9. Fine mapping
10. Map-based gene cloning
11. Molecular Breeding (Marker-Assisted Selection, MAS)
12. Mapping population (NIL, RIL, Bulked segregant analysis (BSA))
13. Linkage between different maps

4/8: New techniques used in genome project
14. Sanger’s dideoxy sequencing (first generation)
15. Next generation sequencing (NGS) (Pyrosequencing, Ion torrent, Solexa technology)
16. Third generation sequencing (SMRT- PacBio; Nonopore- Oxford)
17. Alternative strategies and technologies to help WGS (Optical mapping, Single-molecule next-generation mapping, 10X genomics)
18. Supporting techniques (QC of DNA/RNA, Removal of ribosomal RNA, Strand-specific library, DNA/RNA fragmentation, DNA/RNA fractionation

4/15: Genomics and Postgenomics
19. Genome project (HGP, other genome project)
20. Terms (alternative splicing, molecular clock, homologous sequences, synteny, proteome)
21. Database resource (to browse, to search, or to obtain sequences using NCBI, TIGR, Addgene as examples)
22. Postgenomic era (ENCODE, SNP, MAF, Haplotype, Tag SNP, GWAS, genotyping platforms, T2T)

Functional Genomics (呂維茗)
4/22 & 4/29: Gene expression- mRNA profiling
1. Microarray (Spotted array, Agilent, Affymetrix, Nimblegen; Single base extension (SBE), ChIP-chip, exome sequencing, array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH))
2. RNA-seq & data mining (mapping, DEseq2 and DEGSeq, Pricipal Componene Analysis (PCA), GO enrichiment analysis, K means clustering, etc.)
3. Real-time PCR (quantitative PCR (qPCR), TaqMan, SYBR)
4. Digital PCR (droplet digital PCR (ddPCR))
5. To view gene expression data (Genevestigator, the bioanalytical resource for plant biology (BAR))

5/6: Reverse genetics
6. Transgenic analysis (activation-tagging, tagged-mutation, RNA interference; tail-PCR, Plasmid rescue, Inverse-PCR)
7. Tilling and random mutation
8. New strategy for plant knock-out (TALEN, CRISPR/Cas9)

Functional Assays and CRISPR/Cas9 Applications in Plant Genomics (黃纓雯)
5/13: Gene Functional Assays in Plants: Gene Silencing and Overexpression
Part 1: Gene Knockdown through RNAi and Other Silencing Methods
• Mechanisms of RNA interference (RNAi) in plants
• Alternative silencing technologies (e.g., VIGS, amiRNA)
• Experimental design and troubleshooting
Part 2: Strategies for Gene Overexpression in Plants
• Vector design and promoter selection
• Methods to achieve effective overexpression
• Case studies and data analysis techniques

5/20: CRISPR/Cas9 Fundamentals for Plant Genome Editing
Part 1: CRISPR/Cas9 – From Bacterial Immunity to Genome Editing
• Historical background and discovery
• Basic mechanism of CRISPR/Cas9 system
• Key components and their functions
Part 2: Designing CRISPR/Cas9 Experiments in Plants
• Guide RNA design and target site selection
• Delivery methods in plant cells
• Off-target analysis and validation strategies

5/27: CRISPR/Cas9 in Precision Breeding: Applications and Case Studies
• Real-world examples of CRISPR/Cas9 in precision breeding
• Integration of functional assays with genome editing
• Regulatory and ethical issues in genome editing
• Overcoming technical and biological challenges

6/3: Student-Driven Experiment Design Workshop
• Students select a target gene from a plant of interest
• Choose an approach: gene silencing, gene overexpression, or CRISPR/Cas9 design
• Develop an experimental plan including rationale, method, and expected outcomes
• Students present their design proposals
第2週 see above
第3週 see above
第4週 see above
第5週 see above
第6週 see above
第7週 see above
第8週 see above
第9週 see above
第10週 see above
第11週 see above
第12週 see above
第13週 see above
第14週 see above
第15週 see above
第16週 see above
第17週 see above
第18週 see above
於課程結束後進行口頭報告(楊長賢老師); 於課程中進行隨堂考 (呂維茗老師); 書面與口頭報告各占比 50%(黃纓雯老師)



每週二下午4~6 PM

更新日期 西元年/月/日:2025/02/19 00:08:20 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 12