國立中興大學教學大綱 |
課程名稱 | (中) 昆蟲分類專論(8093) | ||||||||
(Eng.) Special Topics in Insect Taxonomy | |||||||||
開課單位 | 昆蟲系 | ||||||||
課程類別 | 選修 | 學分 | 2 | 授課教師 | 楊正澤 | ||||
選課單位 | 昆蟲博 / 博士班 | 授課使用語言 | 中文 | 英文/EMI | N | 開課學期 | 1051 | ||
課程簡述 | 研習昆蟲分類之博士生應對其專長分類群及主題有較深入之討論,因此專論針對各昆蟲分類研究題材提供實務討論。 | ||||||||
先修課程名稱 | 課程含自主學習 | N |
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) | 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法 | |||||||||||
課程目標 | 核心能力 | 配比(%) | 教學方法 | 評量方法 | ||||||||
1.Taxonomy as profession 2.To do revision work on some given taxon |
授課內容(單元名稱與內容、習作/每週授課、考試進度-共18週) | ||||||||||||
Chapter 1 Theory and Practice of Biological Classification Some basic principles of classification Identification Criteria of zoological classification Classification and phylogeny The three schools of macrotaxonomy Is a classification a theory? The functions of a classification What is the best classification? The steps in the taxonomic procedure The delimitation of taxa Hierachical classification Higher categories and higher taxa The process of ranking Relationship and similarity Difficulties encountered in macrotaxonomy The improvement of existing classifications The importance of sound classification Chapter 2 Taxonomic Characters Characters and signifiers Kinds of characters The weighting of characters The relative value of different kinds of characters Characters and categorical rank Conclusions Chapter 3 Numerical Phenetics Clams made by pheneticists Achievements of the phonetic approach Weaknesses of numerical phonetics Weak points of phenetic mmethods Outlook The future of numerical phonetics Chapter 4 Cladistics Difficulties in presenting an unbiased account of cladistics Cladistic analysis Difficulties in cladistics analysis Cladidtic classification Difficulties in cladistics classification The consequences of the adoption of cladistics principles for the classification of animals and plants Appendix: weighting and anagenetic analysis Chapter 5 Evolutionary Classification Differences between cladistics and evolutionary classification The Linnaean hierarchy How to construct an evolutionary The traditional concept of a common ancestor Various concepts of monophyly Polyphyly Advantages of evolutionary classification Practical considerations in the construction of a classification Criteria for delimitation and ranking Chapter 6 Numerical Methods of Phylogeny Inference The data set Distance methods Overview of distance methods Character methods Overview of character-based methods Which method is best? Appendix: computer programs Chapter 7 Taxonomic Collections and the Process of Identification Systematic collections Curating of collections Identification Material for revisionary or monographic work Chapter 8 Taxonomic Publication The strategy of publishing Documentation and information retrieval Kinds of publications Major features of taxonomic publications Form and style of the taxonomic article Preparation of the manuscript for publication Chapter 9 The Rules of Zoological Nomenclature The most important properties of taxa names The international code Evoluion of the theory of nomenclature The interpretation and application of the code 以下列題材為範例,就其研究成果進行討論及評析。 1.同翅目飛蝨類 2.同翅目蟬類 3.直翅類 4.蜉蝣目 5.雙翅目:特別論及「素木標本」及co-type 6.膜翅目(Andreas Dubinzky之博士論文) |
學習評量方式 | ||||||||||||
Term papers according to the topics (2-3) which disscuss in the class. (50%) The attribution of the in-class discussion will be evaluated. (30%) The final report must be a full paper or short assay other than term papers. (20%) |
教科書&參考書目(書名、作者、書局、代理商、說明) | ||||||||||||
課程教材(教師個人網址請列在本校內之網址) | ||||||||||||
課程輔導時間 | ||||||||||||
08:00-08:500 Tuesday at room 9c07 AE building, or by Skype or line (before 1st November, 2014) 11:00-12:00 Tuesday at room 9c07 AE building, or by Skype or line (before 1st November, 2014) |
聯合國全球永續發展目標(連結網址) | ||||||||||||
請尊重智慧財產權及性別平等意識,不得非法影印他人著作。 | |
更新日期 西元年/月/日:無 | 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 07 |
MyTB教科書訂購平台:http://www.mytb.com.tw/ |