課程名稱 (中) 投資學與金融科技(7950)
(Eng.) Investing and FinTech
開課單位 科管碩專
課程類別 選修 學分 3 授課教師 張樹之
選課單位 科管碩專 / 碩專班 授課使用語言 中文 英文/EMI 開課學期 1132
課程簡述 這是一份暫定教學大綱(將來可能會有微調)This is a tentative syllabus & subject to minor change.

本課程將介紹投資環境和投資的核心概念(包括金融市場,投資方法,金融科技),學習重點在於如何利用互聯網資源達成投資目標。我們將以股票交易服務為主,涵蓋核心財務管理概念和各種投資工具,包括金融交易,金融服務,風險與回報,利率,證券與投資過程,股票與股票市場,投資組合管理,股票估值,股票分析 等。此外,本課程還將介紹最新的區塊鏈知識及其相關的金融服務和應用。
This course will introduce the investment environment and the core concepts of investment (including financial marketed, investing approaches, financial technologies) emphasizing on using the Internet resources to achieve investment goals. Focusing on stock transaction services, we will cover core financial management concepts and various investment instruments, including financial transaction, financial services, risk & return, interest rate, securities & investment process, stock & stock market, portfolio management, stock valuation, stock analysis, and so on. Additionally, this course will present the state-of-the-art blockchain knowledge as well as its related financial services and applications.
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
本課程的首要目標是幫助學生不僅學習和獲得於金融市場和證券(尤其是股票)進行投資的基本概念,而且透過涵蓋重要的投資主題來了解如何發 展投資決策。本課程的次要目標是介紹比特幣、區塊鍊、和金融科技的新興知識。學生將從本課程獲得基本觀念和資訊,以制定適當的財務管理實踐準則並做出明智的投資決策,此外,他們還將獲得與金融科技相關的知識。
The first objective of this course is to help students not only learn and obtain basic concepts of investing in financial markets and securities (particularly about stocks) but understand how to make investment decisions by covering several important investment topics. Secondly, this course will introduce the emerging knowledge of bitcoin, blockchain, and FinTech. Students will leave the course with the fundamental concept and information for developing appropriate practice guidelines of financial management and making informed investment decisions, and in addition, they will also acquire the basic knowledge about FinTech.
週次 授課內容
第1週 1.投資學和金融科技的概述 Investing and FinTech Overview
2.投資學: 第1章-投資環境 The Investment Environment (MOOC Module 1: to be presented on 2/18)
3.金融科技: 金融科技介紹(影片1) Introduction to FinTech (Video 1)
第2週 1.投資學: 第2章-市場與交易 Market and Transactions (MOOC Module 2: to be presented on 2/25)
2.金融科技: 金融科技介紹(影片2及影片3) Introduction to FinTech (Video 2 and Video 3)
3.金融科技: 區塊鏈與比特幣簡介 Introduction to Blockchain and Bitcoin
第3週 1.投資學: 第2章-市場與交易 Market and Transactions (MOOC Module 2: to be presented on 3/4)
2.投資學: 第3章-投資資訊和證券交易 Investment Information and Securities Transactions (MOOC Module 3: to be presented on 3/4)
第4週 1.投資學: 第4章-報酬與風險 Return and Risk (MOOC Module 4: to be presented on 3/11)
2.補充教材:金錢的時間價值 The time value of money_1 (Self-study materials for students.)
第5週 1.投資學: 第5章-投資組合管理 Portfolio Management (MOOC Module 5: to be presented on 3/18)
2.Instruction video for the stock trading simulation system (available on iLearning in mid-March)
第6週 1.投資學: 第6章-普通(一般)股票 Common Stocks (MOOC Module 6: to be presented on 3/25)
2.線上股票投資操作 Online Stock Investment Experiment (to start practice in late March)
第7週 4/1: 本日不上課 (校慶及運動會補假)
第8週 投資學: 第7章-分析普通股 Analyzing Common Stocks (MOOC Module 7: to be presented on 4/8)
第9週 1.投資學: 第8章-股票評價 Stock Valuation (MOOC Module 8: to be presented on 4/15)
2.線上股票投資操作 Online Stock Investment Experiment (系統將於4月中正式上線 The system will be started by 4/15.)
第10週 投資學: 第9章-市場效率和行為金融學 Market Efficiency, and Behavioral Finance (MOOC Module 9: to be presented on 4/22)
第11週 投資學: 第S1章-技術分析一(圖表、形態、移動平均線、道氏理論等) Technical Analysis I (Charts, Patterns, Moving Average, Dow Theory and more) (MOOC Module 10: to be presented on 4/29)
第12週 投資學: 第S2章-技術分析二(指標:RSI、偏差、MACD、KD 隨機指標、DMI 等)Technical Analysis II (Indexes: RSI, Bias, MACD, KD Stochastics, DMI and more) (MOOC Module 11: to be presented on 5/6)
第13週 金融科技: 區塊鏈介紹 Harvard Business Review on Blockchain (MOOC Module 12: to be presented on 5/13)
第14週 金融科技: 區塊鏈介紹 Harvard Business Review on Blockchain (MOOC Module 12: to be completed on 5/20)
第15週 金融科技: 1.區塊鏈與去中心化金融 Blockchain and Decentralized Finance (MOOC Module 13: to be presented on 5/27)
金融科技: 2.區塊鏈股票市場的運作 Operating of Blockchain Stock Market
第16週 金融科技: 區塊鏈商務應用研究 The Real Business of Blockchain (MOOC Module 14: to be presented on 6/3)
第17週 電影欣賞:Wall Street Movie (Stock Investing) on 6/10
第18週 股票投資與金融科技的總結 Stock Investing & FinTech Final review and discussion (to be conducted on 6/17)
1. Class Participation 10%
2. Quizzes and/or Course Projects 40%
3. Experiment Score 50%
1. Smart, S.B., and Zutter, C.J. (2020), Fundamentals of Investing 14/e (Global Edition), ISBN: 9781292316970, Pearson. (雙葉書廊總代理; Book information from Pearson).
2. Additional materials announced in class.
NCHU iLearning 教學平台
17:30 to 18:20 on Tuesday; or by appointment
週二 17:30~18:20,或經由事先預約。
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2025/01/16 19:10:29 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 14