課程簡述 |
(中) 本課程講述有機高分子材料之化學、合成、性能及產業應用。
應用包括複合材料、奈米材料、分散技術、傳產材料等。近年來因應地球暖化/氣候變遷/世界產業鏈重新組合,替代能源vs.傳統能源爭議等議題; 論述傳統化石” 碳”化學衍生石化中間體,單體以及兩大類的高分子材料--上中下游化學材料產業鏈有關於綠能/二氧化碳排放等關聯性,進一步連接臺灣強項半導體產業以及未來AI/國防產業需求之材料應用。課程目的: 訓練學生核心解決問題能力--有關基礎學術原理與業應用之關聯性、化學材料產業之歷史演變以及未來之需求變化及預期等。(提供電子檔講義)。
(Eng.) The course includes the chemistry of organic polymers, synthesis, chemical structures, physical properties, functions and industrial applications. The applications include nanocomposites, nanomaterials, dispersants and conventional polymeric materials. On recent years’ debating issues such as “global warming and climate change” issues and chemical supply chain restructuring, alternative green energy vs. fossil oil, etc., their technological issues will be discussed, including the correlations of “carbon chemistry” deriving petrochemicals, monomers and the two main classes of polymeric materials, that is, the relationships of upstream, middle and downstream material supply chain, in relating to green energy and CO2 emission. Further, the course concerns the practical industrial uses in semiconductor, AI and military uses of the materials of the chemical materials’ supply chain. The goal is to train students with the core ability of problem solving for the upcoming industrial evolution and urgent needs of new materials. |