週次 |
授課內容 |
第1週 |
Source-sink relationships of fruit trees (陳京城) |
第2週 |
Carbon partitioning and translocation in fruit trees (陳京城) |
第3週 |
Carbon partitioning and translocation in fruit trees (陳京城) |
第4週 |
Carbohydrate metabolism in fruits (陳京城) |
第5週 |
Organic acid metabolism in fruits (陳京城) |
第6週 |
Exam/Student presentation (陳京城) |
第7週 |
Holiday (no class) |
第8週 |
Fruit tree nutrition (林慧玲) |
第9週 |
Application of chlorophyll fluorescence to fruit tree physiology (林慧玲) |
第10週 |
Fruit cracking/splitting and browning disorders (林慧玲) |
第11週 |
Postharvest physiology, storage and transportation of tropical fruits (林慧玲) |
第12週 |
Exam/Student presentation (林慧玲)
第13週 |
Molecular mechanisms of plant growth regulators (林宣佑)
第14週 |
Modeling photosynthetic biochemical reactions using FvCB model (林宣佑) |
第15週 |
Prediction of flower thinning and blooming dates (林宣佑) |
第16週 |
Root studies in fruit crops (林宣佑) |
第17週 |
Tree phenology analysis (林宣佑) |
第18週 |
Exam/Student presentation (林宣佑) |