國立中興大學教學大綱 |
課程名稱 | (中) 分子發育生物學(4203) | ||||||||
(Eng.) Molecular and Developmental Biology | |||||||||
開課單位 | 生科系 | ||||||||
課程類別 | 選修 | 學分 | 3 | 授課教師 | 鄭旭辰 等 | ||||
選課單位 | 生科系 / 學士班 | 授課使用語言 | 中文 | 英文/EMI | N | 開課學期 | 1071 | ||
課程簡述 | 延續發育生物學課程討論的主題,對器官發生,組織型態變化,和細胞分化的過程,自分子生物的層面探討。 | ||||||||
先修課程名稱 | 課程含自主學習 | N |
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) | 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法 | ||||||||||||||
課程目標 | 核心能力 | 配比(%) | 教學方法 | 評量方法 | |||||||||||
1. 對器官發生,組織型態變化,和細胞分化的過程,自分子生物的層面探討。 |
授課內容(單元名稱與內容、習作/每週授課、考試進度-共18週) | |||||||||||||||
1. The Beginning of Molecular Developmental Biology 2. Signaling pathways in embryonic development 3. Body Axis determination 4. Germline stem cell 5. Discovering the Youth Fountain |
學習評量方式 | |||||||||||||||
上課討論50% 考試 50% |
教科書&參考書目(書名、作者、書局、代理商、說明) | |||||||||||||||
1. The Beginning of Molecular Developmental Biology (鄭) Mutations affecting segment number and polarity in Drosophila. Nusslein-Volhard C, Wieschaus E. Nature. 1980 Oct 30;287(5785):795-801. 2. Signaling pathways in embryonic development (鄭) (1) Shh I The tumour-suppressor gene patched encodes a candidate receptor for Sonic hedgehog. Nature. 1996 Nov 14;384(6605):129-34. Biochemical evidence that patched is the Hedgehog receptor. Nature. 1996 Nov 14;384(6605):176-9. Patched acts catalytically to suppress the activity of Smoothened. Nature. 2002 Aug 22;418(6900):892-7. (2) BMP Review: Cell. 2005; 123:982-4 Wozney, J. M.; Rosen, V.; Celeste, A. J.; Mitsock, L. M.; Whitters, M. J.; Kriz, R. W.; Hewick, R. M.; Wang, E. A. : Novel regulators of bone formation: molecular clones and activities. Science 242: 1528-1534, 1988. A conserved system for dorsal-ventral patterning in insects and vertebrates involving sog and chordin. Nature. 1995 Jul 20;376(6537):249-53. Local inhibition and long-range enhancement of Dpp signal transduction by Sog. NATURE 1999; 398:427-31 (3) FGF The IIIc alternative of Fgfr2 is a positive regulator of bone formation. Development. 2002 Aug;129(16):3783-93. A mouse model for achondroplasia produced by targeting fibroblast growth factor receptor 3. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Apr 13;96(8):4455-60. (4) Wnt MECHANISMS OF WNT SIGNALING IN DEVELOPMENT. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 1998, Vol. 14: 59-88 The ins and outs of Wingless signaling. Trends in Cell Biology. (14),1 :Pages 45-53 Interactions between Xwnt-8 and Spemann organizer signaling pathways generate dorsoventral pattern in the embryonic mesoderm of Xenopus. Genes Dev. 1993 Jan;7(1):13-28. Xwnt-8b: a maternally expressed Xenopus Wnt gene with a potential role in establishing the dorsoventral axis. Development. 1995 Jul;121(7):2177-86. (5) Hh pathway in male and female gonadogenesis Sertoli cell signaling by Desert hedgehog regulates the male germline. Curr. Biol. 1996 Mar 1;6(3):298-304. Hedgehog signaling in mouse ovary: Indian hedgehog and desert hedgehog from granulosa cells induce target gene expression in developing theca cells. Endocrinology. 2005; 146(8):3558-66. 2. Body Axis determination (鄭) (1) A-P (ZPA, RA vs. Shh) Retinoic acid, local cell-cell interactions, and pattern formation in vertebrate limbs. Dev Biol. 1992 Jul;152(1):1-25. Sonic hedgehog mediates the polarizing activity of the ZPA. Cell. 1993 Dec 31;75(7):1401-16. (2) AP (Hox over-expression by RCAS, vs. Hox over-expression by transgene in mice) Targeted misexpression of Hox-4.6 in the avian limb bud causes apparent homeotic transformations.Nature. 1992 Jul 16;358(6383):236-9. Serial deletions and duplications suggest a mechanism for the collinearity of Hoxd genes in limbs. Nature. 2002 Nov 14;420(6912):145-50. (3) AER formation Apical ectodermal ridge induction by the transplantation of En-1-overexpressing ectoderm in chick limb bud. Dev Growth Differ. 1998 Aug;40(4):423-9. BMP controls proximodistal outgrowth, via induction of the apical ectodermal ridge, and dorsoventral patterning in the vertebrate limb. Development. 2001 Nov;128(22):4463-74. Ectodermal Wnt3/beta-catenin signaling is required for the establishment and maintenance of the apical ectodermal ridge. Genes Dev. 2003 Feb 1;17(3):394-409. Genetic interaction between Wnt/beta-catenin and BMP receptor signaling during formation of the AER and the dorsal-ventral axis in the limb. Genes Dev. 2003 Aug 15;17(16):1963-8. Fate map of mouse ventral limb ectoderm and the apical ectodermal ridge. Dev Biol. 2003 Dec 1;264(1):166-78. (4) P-D (pre-pattern and progress zone) Molecular and cellular basis of pattern formation during vertebrate limb development. Curr Top Dev Biol. 1999;41:37-66. Review. Pattern formation and regulation of gene expressions in chick recombinant limbs. Mech Dev. 2000 Feb;90(2):167-79. A re-examination of proximodistal patterning during vertebrate limb development. Nature. 2002 Aug 1;418(6897):539-44. Functions of FGF signalling from the apical ectodermal ridge in limb development. Nature. 2002 Aug 1;418(6897):501-8. (5) L-R (nodal cilia, connexin) A molecular pathway determining left-right asymmetry in chick embryogenesis. Cell. 1995; 82(5):803-14. Gap junction-mediated transfer of left-right patterning signals in the early chick blastoderm is upstream of Shh asymmetry in the node. Development. 1999 Nov;126(21):4703-14. Discordant organ laterality in monozygotic twins with primary ciliary dyskinesia. Am J Med Genet. 1999 Jan 15;82(2):155-60. Cilia and disease. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 15(3) : 308-314 3. Germline stem cell (鄭) Germline stem cells and follicular renewal in the postnatal mammalian ovary., NATURE 428, 145 (2004) Oocyte Generation in Adult Mammalian Ovaries by Putative Germ Cells in Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood. Cell, Volume 122, Issue 2, Pages 303-315 Ovulated oocytes in adult mice derive from non-circulating germ cells Nature 441, 1109-1114 (29 June 2006) 3. Discovering the Youth Fountain (鄭) Rejuvenation of aged progenitor cells by exposure to a young systemic environment. Nature 433, 760-764 |
課程教材(教師個人網址請列在本校內之網址) | |||||||||||||||
課程輔導時間 | |||||||||||||||
Monday 13:00~15:00 |
聯合國全球永續發展目標(連結網址) | |||||||||||||||
請尊重智慧財產權及性別平等意識,不得非法影印他人著作。 | |
更新日期 西元年/月/日:無 | 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 07 |
MyTB教科書訂購平台:http://www.mytb.com.tw/ |