Week |
Course Content |
Week 1 |
*Introduction and an overview of basic concepts of genetics 遺傳學基本概念回顧與遺傳疾病簡介
Week 2 |
*Patterns of inheritance 遺傳疾病與遺傳模式 |
Week 3 |
*An overview of human genetic variation 人類基因體變異 |
Week 4 |
*Chromosomal abnormalities and structural variants 染色體數目異常與結構變異 |
Week 5 |
*Cytogenetics 細胞遺傳學與細胞遺傳診斷 |
Week 6 |
*Core DNA technologies I DNA 核心技術與應用 I |
Week 7 |
*Core DNA technologies II DNA 核心技術與應用 II
*Principles of genetic manipulation of mammalian cells 哺乳類動物細胞的基因操作 |
Week 8 |
*Core RNA technologies RNA核心技術與應用 II |
Week 9 |
*Precision medicine and biobank 精準醫學與人體生物資料庫 |
Week 10 |
*Genetic testing in health care 基因檢測與預防醫學 |
Week 11 |
*Molecular pathology: connecting phenotype and genotype 遺傳疾病分子致病機制:基因型與表現型之關聯
*Identifying genes for monogenic disorders 尋找單基因遺傳疾病之致病原因
Week 12 |
*Complex disease: identifying susceptibility factors 尋找複雜型疾病的遺傳性易感基因 |
Week 13 |
*Standards and guidelines for the interpretation of genetic variants 遺傳變異分類標準與指南 |
Week 14 |
*Pharmacogenomics 認識藥物基因體學 |
Week 15 |
*Genetic approaches to treating disease 遺傳疾病基因治療 |
Week 16 |
*專題演講+期末討論會 |
Week 17 |
自主學習週 |
Week 18 |
自主學習週 |