課程名稱 (中) 工程英文(1925)
(Eng.) English for General Engineering
開課單位 工學院
課程類別 選修 學分 2 授課教師 邱幸珍
選課單位 工學院 授課使用語言 中/英文 英文/EMI 開課學期 1132
課程簡述 This course is designed to equip you with the language skills and communication strategies necessary to thrive in your engineering studies and professional career. Whether you’re drafting technical documents, presenting complex ideas, or collaborating with global teams, this course will provide you with the tools to communicate effectively in the field of engineering.
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
• Develop a strong engineering-specific vocabulary.
• Improve your presentation skills.
• Enhance your ability to read and interpret technical literature.
• Collaborate more effectively in team-based engineering projects.
• Pre-prepare for professional communication in workplace scenarios.
週次 授課內容
第1週 2/17 Class orientation / Group work arrangement / Warm-up activity
第2週 2/24 U1- L1 Defying Gravity / Heads up: vocabulary game / a mind map for reading comprehension
第3週 3/3 U1- L1 From the movie, Maverick, which scene tells the problems that pilots encounter? / Design a device showing gravity and make a short speech, explaining it.
第4週 3/10 U1-L3 Aerial Base Station / Discussion: Think of what an Aerial Base station needs to have multifunction services.
第5週 3/17 U1-L3 Reading Comprehension / Any idea about Low Earth Orbit? / Vocabulary Test 1
第6週 3/24 U2- L1 Facing the Freshwater Crisis I / Ted Talks: Fresh water scarcity: An introduction to the problem / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otrpxtAmDAk
第7週 3/31 U2-L1 A “Drinkable Book” That Filters Water and Saves Lives / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJLMwHXUJFQ
A Short Conversation: Stop doing it! / Vocabulary Test 2
第8週 4/7 U2-L3 Wading in Waste / Review U1-2
第9週 4/14 Mid-term: A written exam, including listening comprehension, vocabulary, reading comprehension
第10週 4/21 U2-L3 Red, Blue, Pink Oceans? Please introduce one of incredibly special coastal beaches and towns; for its famous sightseeing, tell us the plans of preventing from pollution.
第11週 4/28 U3-L1 Artificial Muscles / Let us find more possible artificial devices
第12週 5/5 U3-L1 3D printers create our human future, do they? / Debate: showing your agreement or disagreement
第13週 5/12 U3-L3 Self-Cleaning Materials / Dualism (+ or -) for life circles / Vocabulary Test 3
第14週 5/19 U3-L3 hydrophilic vs. hydrophobic / Heads up-guessing game
第15週 5/26 U4-L3 Driving toward Crashless Cars / The safest car in the world because of its….
第16週 6/2 U4-L3 Does the drone create better civilization, or not? / Conversation Practice / Vocabulary Test 4
第17週 6/9 Final Project: Please introduce one of transportation vehicles used in Logistics—Group work with innovative ideas and adding visual aids.
第18週 6/16 Final Project: Please introduce one of transportation vehicles used in Logistics—Group work with innovative ideas and adding visual aids.
Participation 20% // Oral Presentations & tasks & assignments in class 20% // Mid-term & Final presentations 30% // Attendance 30%
Shih, Wei-Ming, & Jhang, Jhih-Yuan. (Eds.). (2013). ESP: English for General Engineering. Taipei: Bookman Books, Ltd. ISBN: 978-957-445-386-3


By appointment Thursday 10:10-12:00
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2025/01/23 17:42:19 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 14