課程名稱 (中) 統計力學(一)(6597)
(Eng.) Statistical Mechanics (I)
開課單位 物理系
課程類別 選修 學分 3 授課教師 橋本哲也
選課單位 物理系 / 碩士班 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI Y 開課學期 1132
課程簡述 This course covers basic topics in statistical mechanics including entropy, microcanonical/canonical ensembles, quantum statistics, photons, boson, fermions etc.
The details will not be discussed but I will focus on the essence of each field.
Discussions about physics and astrophysics can be also included.
This course will make use of classroom S203 in the college of science building.

The statistical mechanics part is scheduled as follows.
Note that the contents can change depending on students' understanding.
01. (15 Feb): Introduction to the statistical mechanics class
02. (22 Feb): The closed system or the microcanonical ensemble
03. (01 Mar): The system in thermal contact with a reservoir 1
04. (08 Mar): The system in thermal contact with a reservoir 2
05. (15 Mar): Quantum statistics
06. (22 Mar): The density of states
07. (29 Mar): Some problems
08. (05 Apr): Day-off (Children's day)
09. (12 Apr): The gas of photons (Midterm assignment is distributed)
10. (19 Apr): Review of the previous classes/Q&A
11. (26 Apr): Atomic vibration in solids (Deadline for the midterm assignment)
12. (03 May): The boson gas at low temperature 1
13. (10 May): The boson gas at low temperature 2
14. (17 May): The gas of fermions 1
15. (24 May): The gas of fermions 2
16. (31 May): A history of statistical mechanics (Final assignment is distributed)
17. (07 Jun): Review of the previous classes/Q&A
18. (14 Jun): Deadline for the final assignment
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
The aim of this course is to understand the basic concepts of statistical mechanics and how it is related to physics behind our daily life and the Universe.
This course does not go into the details of each content but focuses on the essences of the topics.
週次 授課內容
第1週 01. (15 Feb):
-rules in this class
第2週 02. (22 Feb): The closed system or the microcanonical ensemble
第3週 03. (01 Mar): The system in thermal contact with a reservoir 1
第4週 04. (08 Mar): The system in thermal contact with a reservoir 2
第5週 05. (15 Mar): Quantum statistics
第6週 06. (22 Mar): The density of states
第7週 07. (29 Mar): Some problems
第8週 08. (05 Apr): Day-off (Children’s day)
第9週 09. (12 Apr): The gas of photons (Midterm assignment is distributed)
第10週 10. (19 Apr): Review of the previous classes/Q&A
第11週 11. (26 Apr): Atomic vibration in solids (Deadline for the midterm assignment)
第12週 12. (03 May): The boson gas at low temperature 1
第13週 13. (10 May): The boson gas at low temperature 2
第14週 14. (17 May): The gas of fermions 1
第15週 15. (24 May): The gas of fermions 2
第16週 16. (31 May): A history of statistical mechanics (Final assignment is distributed)
第17週 17. (07 Jun): Review of the previous classes/Q&A
第18週 18. (14 Jun): Deadline for the final assignment
Active discussion: 20%
Midterm assignment: 20%
Final assignment: 20%
I will decide the textbook at the first class through discussions with students who take this course.

Gmeet (just in case a face-to-face class is not allowed due to pandemic)
Teaching materials used in this course will be sent to each student via email or Line after the class.
08:00 AM-17:00 PM
更新日期 西元年/月/日:無 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 13