週次 |
授課內容 |
第1週 |
由教師選定數篇植物病理學及微生物學相關主題之英文研究報告,由同學依其興趣選擇其中之1篇報告進行研讀,每周於課堂中由1~2位同學進行口頭報告,說明研究報告的內容及貢獻,其餘同學需於上課前完成書面摘要及擬訂欲提出討論的問題。之後由教師帶領同學討論研究報告中的主題及問題。 |
第2週 |
Introduction of biotechnology-I |
第3週 |
Plant diseases caused by the interactions of fungi and bacteria |
第4週 |
Plant diseases caused by the interactions of fungi and virus |
第5週 |
The infection courses of plant pathogens-I |
第6週 |
The infection courses of plant pathogens-II |
第7週 |
How do pathogens find host in soil? |
第8週 |
Attacking strategies of plant pathogens--detoxification |
第9週 |
Attacking strategies of plant pathogens--metabolic priming |
第10週 |
Attacking strategies of plant pathogens--RNA silencing |
第11週 |
Plant defense strategies--extracellular DNA |
第12週 |
Plant defense strategies--systemic acquired resistances |
第13週 |
Plant defense strategies--expand the recognition specificity |
第14週 |
Plant defense strategies--gene silencing in fungi |
第15週 |
Plant defense strategies--application of dsRNA |
第16週 |
Final discussions on seminar topics |
第17週 |
Self learning: Additional messenger of SAR (reading assignment) |
第18週 |
Self learning: Redefine the fungal tree of life (reading assignment) |