國立中興大學教學大綱 |
課程名稱 | (中) 觀光英語(1960) | ||||||||
(Eng.) English for Travel | |||||||||
開課單位 | 外文系 | ||||||||
課程類別 | 選修 | 學分 | 2 | 授課教師 | 陳俐亨 | ||||
選課單位 | 不限系所 | 授課使用語言 | 中文 | 英文/EMI | N | 開課學期 | 1061 | ||
課程簡述 | The course features some introductions to travel contexts, including preparing some documents, making reservations for tickets, hotels, or restaurants, exchange currency, etc. It also introduces speaking strategies, such as introducing some tourist attractions to visitors, talking about food, etc. Students are supposed to practice conversations or make presentations on some travel topics in class. |
先修課程名稱 | 課程含自主學習 | N |
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) | 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法 | |||||||||
課程目標 | 核心能力 | 配比(%) | 教學方法 | 評量方法 | ||||||
The course not only aims to help students to build up their vocabulary and phrase banks for traveling, but also makes them confident of using English to express their own ideas and communicate with others while traveling. |
授課內容(單元名稱與內容、習作/每週授課、考試進度-共18週) | ||||||||||
Tentative Weekly schedule: Week 1 (09.19): Class Orientation Week 2 (09.26): Find Your Partner & Group Members+ Select your Seat Week 3 (10.03): Before Going Abroad: Documents Week 4 (10.10): Double Tenth Day! No Class! Week 5 (10.17): Before Going Abroad: Reservation+ Pair Work 01 Week 6 (10.24): Airport & Airlines: Flight Check-in + Pair Work 02 Week 7 (10.31): Airport & Airlines: Getting to the Gate+ Pair Work 03 Week 8 (11.07): Airport & Airlines: In-Flight+ Arrival at your Destination Week 9 (11.14): Mid-term exam: Group Conversation in Travel Context Week 10(11.21): Movie Appreciation Week 11(11.28): Movie Discussion+ Group Discussion Week 12(12.05): Hotel: Check in + Hotel Service Week 13(12.12) : Hotel: Hotel Services +Guest Information+ Pair Work 04 Week 14(12.19): Hotel: Guest Information+ Guest Check Out Week 15(12.26): Points of Interest: City Tours +Museums and Entertainment+ Pair Work 05 Week 16(107.01.02): Group Presentations on Group Travel Itinerary Week 17(107.01.09): Group Presentations on Group Travel Itinerary Week 18(107.01.16): Group Presentations on Group Travel Itinerary |
學習評量方式 | ||||||||||
1.Class Performance (including attendance, participation, and preparation): 20% (曠課一次扣4分(一節課扣2分),曠課滿4次,出席成績0分計,請假一節扣1分(一次扣2分),並不得超過5次。遲到逾15分鐘,視為曠課。) a. 4 points will be deducted for each absence, and students cannot be absent for the class more than four times, or they will get “0” from their class performance. b. If students have to ask for a leave, they are supposed to inform the teacher that they cannot attend the class via email (writing down their student id number and name), by asking their classmates to tell the teacher, or by telling the teacher in person in the following week. 2.Mid-Term: Group Conversation 30% 3.Final Exam: Group Presentation on Group Travel Itinerary 35% 4.Group Discussion: In-class Activities/Discussions:15% ※Conversation: Students are supposed to work with their group members to have a 10-minute conversation about something related to travel contexts and present their conversation in class by heart. Students are asked to write their own script themselves and upload onto eCampus before the mid-term week. ※Group Discussion: In-class activities and Discussions: Students have to work with their group members to do some discussions in class. ※Final Exam: Group Presentation on Group Travel Itinerary. Students are supposed to work with their group members to deliver an English oral presentation on their travel itinerary with PPT file. They are supposed to plan their own 5-day trip itinerary, including what documents or visas they have to prepare, researching the airlines and flights, making reservations for tickets and hotels, introducing how to get to their destination, and some tourist attractions they are going to visit, and so on. The PPT file has to be uploaded onto eCampu before their presentation. They have to try their best to detail their travel itinerary as possible as they can. |
教科書&參考書目(書名、作者、書局、代理商、說明) | ||||||||||
Jordens, Rob, & Terry Jordens. Talk about Travel: English for Airlines, Hotels, and Tours. 2nd Ed. Compass Publishing, 2009.( 978-1-599-66401-9) (文鶴代理) Reference book: O'Hagan, Paul, Peg Tinsley, and Owain Mckimm. Taiwan in Simple English. 3rd Ed. Taipei: Cosmos Culture Ltd., 2014. |
課程教材(教師個人網址請列在本校內之網址) | ||||||||||
Some handouts or related materials will be uploaded onto eCampus. |
課程輔導時間 | ||||||||||
By appointment (10:10-17:00, Tuesdays) |
聯合國全球永續發展目標 | ||||||||||
請尊重智慧財產權及性別平等意識,不得非法影印他人著作。 | |
更新日期 西元年/月/日:無 | 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 2 / 15 |
MyTB教科書訂購平台:http://www.mytb.com.tw/ |