國立中興大學教學大綱 |
課程名稱 | (中) 陶瓷材料(3401) | ||||||||
(Eng.) Ceramics | |||||||||
開課單位 | 材料系 | ||||||||
課程類別 | 必修 | 學分 | 3 | 授課教師 | 劉恒睿 | ||||
選課單位 | 材料系 / 學士班 | 授課使用語言 | 中文 | 英文/EMI | N | 開課學期 | 1092 | ||
課程簡述 | (中) 陶瓷材料之應用非常廣泛,從傳統的碗盤、瓷器、衛浴器材等生活用品,到目前的3C電子產品、生醫、能源、航太等高科技產品皆可窺見其蹤影。本課程從基本的原子鍵結、晶體結構、缺陷型態以及燒結微觀組織等延伸至陶瓷材料的機械、電性、磁性、光性、超導性做一深入淺出的介紹,期使同學對陶瓷材料有一基礎的認識。 (Eng.) The ceramic materials exhibit an extensive range of applications from the traditional usage like dishes, fine chinas, sanitary wares, to modern 3C electronic products, biomedical engineering, energy, aerospace industry. This course is intended to give students an introductory overview, starting from the fundamentals in atomic bonding types, lattice structures, defect forms, and sintering microstructures, to the relative physical properties such as mechanics, electrics, magnetism, optics, superconductivity. Extensive examples will be introduced in class to help students understand the underlying mechanism. |
先修課程名稱 | 課程含自主學習 | N |
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) | 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法 | ||||||||
課程目標 | 核心能力 | 配比(%) | 教學方法 | 評量方法 | |||||
(中) 1. 熟悉基礎陶瓷材料的結構 2. 建立將工程陶瓷材料的結構與材料化學、微結構、與電性整合之能力 3. 培育將基礎陶瓷材料的結構應用至材料選用與微結構設計的知識 (Eng.) 1. Fundamental understanding in ceramic structures 2. Relate the ceramic structure to the chemistry, microstructure, and electronic behavior of modern engineering ceramics 3. Introductory overview of applying fundamentals to the ceramics selection and microstructure design |
授課內容(單元名稱與內容、習作/每週授課、考試進度-共18週) | |||||||||
01 Introduction to ceramics 02 Structure of ceramics: Stability of ionic crystals, the Madelung constant 03 Structure of ceramics: the Pauling’s rule 04 Structure of ceramics: FCC based structures 05 Structure of ceramics: HCP based structures Quiz 1 06 Structure of ceramics: Perovskite and its derivatives, covalent ceramics 07 Crystalline silicate and amorphous glass structure 08 Defects in ceramics: Point defects, linear, and planar defects 09 Defects in ceramics: Point defects, linear, and planar defects 10 Midterm 11 Diffusion and electrical conductivity 12 Diffusion and electrical conductivity 13 The fabrication of Ceramics 14 Microstructure 15 Ceramic conductors 16 Dielectrics, Piezoelectrics, Pyroelectrics, Ferroelectrics 17 Magnetic Ceramics 18 Final |
學習評量方式 | |||||||||
Homeworks: 20% Midterm: 35% Final online test: 35% Attendance: 10% |
教科書&參考書目(書名、作者、書局、代理商、說明) | |||||||||
教科書: FundamentalsofCeramics,”M.Barsoum,McGraw-Hill, 1997 參考書: 1. Physical Ceramics: Principles for Ceramic Science and Engineering, Y.-M. Chiang et al., Wiley, 1997. 2. Electroceramics: Materials.properties.applications, A. J. Moulson, J.M. Herbert, Wiley, 2003 |
課程教材(教師個人網址請列在本校內之網址) | |||||||||
課程輔導時間 | |||||||||
Wed. 5:00~7:00 p.m. | |||||||||
聯合國全球永續發展目標(連結網址) | |||||||||
請尊重智慧財產權及性別平等意識,不得非法影印他人著作。 | |
更新日期 西元年/月/日:無 | 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 02 |
MyTB教科書訂購平台:http://www.mytb.com.tw/ |