課程名稱 (中) 臺灣園藝概論(6172)
(Eng.) Horticulture in Taiwan
開課單位 園藝系
課程類別 選修 學分 2 授課教師 黃三光 等
選課單位 園藝系 / 碩士班 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI Y 開課學期 1132
課程簡述 (中) 介紹臺灣園藝產業之緣起與發展歷程,說明重要園藝作物之品種改良成果及栽培⽣產技術,剖析⽬前產業發展之問題及其⽅向。
(英) Introduction of the history of horticultural industry, the breeding and the cultivation techniques of important horticultural crops, and the problem and the future of the horticultural industry in Taiwan.
Attention: Due to the limit of transportation facility, this course only opens for up to 15 students. The foreign graduate students in the Department o Horticulture have the first priority, followed by the foreign graduate students in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and then the graduate students in the Department of Horticulture, NCHU. For those who do not belong to the above-mentioned categories, please DO NOT take this course.
課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
For foreign students to understand the current condition of horticultural industry, breeding, and cultivation techniques of horticulture crops in Taiwan.
週次 授課內容
第1週 課程簡介、台灣蔬菜產業概況簡介
1-1.Course Introduction
1-2.General Introduction of Vegetable Industry in Taiwan
第2週 2.葫蘆科、豆科、茄科及葱科蔬菜之品種發展概況。
2.History of Cultivar Development in Cucurbits, Legume, Solanaceous, Leafy, and Allium Vegetables.
第3週 3.快速進展之臺灣蔬菜栽培技術。
3.Rapid Progress in Taiwan’s Vegetable Cultivation Techniques.
第4週 4.農業部農業試驗所參訪
4.Field Trip to Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute
第5週 5.花卉產業參訪-I
5.The Flower Industry Visit-I
第6週 6.花卉產業參訪-II
6.The Flower Industry Visit-II
第7週 7.台灣花卉產業概況簡介
7.The Flower Industry in Taiwan
第8週 8.台灣花卉育種產業簡介
8.The Flower Breeding Business of Taiwan
第9週 9.期中報告
9.Midterm Report
第10週 10.台灣水果生產的回顧與展望
10.Retrospect and Prospect of Fruit Production in Taiwan
第11週 11.果樹產業參訪-I
11.The Fruit Industry Visit-I
第12週 12.果樹產業參訪-II
12.The Fruit Industry Visit-II
第13週 13.台灣景觀設計概要
13.Introduction to Landscape Architecture in Taiwan
第14週 14.可食及療育景觀
14.Edible and Therapeutic Landscape
第15週 15.台灣園藝活動與綠色照護
15.Horticultural Activities and Green Care in Taiwan
第16週 16.農業旅遊對台灣鄉村景觀的影響
16.Impact of Agricultural Tourism on Taiwan’s Rural Landscape
第17週 17.報告撰寫輔導及自主學習
17.Report writing advisement and self-directed learning
第18週 18.報告撰寫輔導及自主學習
18.Report writing advisement and self-directed learning
Written Presentation (書⾯報告)
1.Li-Fen Lei, 1988. Test on seasonal unit roots in Taiwan’s vegetable prices.
2.Website materials provided by COA (Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C).
3.黃敏展 1998 亞熱帶花卉總論 中興⼤學園藝系p.173-199
4.⿑藤清1969花 育種 誠文堂 新光社407pp.
5.Harding, J., F. Singh and J. N. M. Mol ed. 1991 Genetics and Breeding of Ornamental Species.
6.Hung, L. 1975 Selected Papers on Horticulturial Plant Breeding. Taiwan Univ. 446pp.
7.Chang, JC. 2022. Report on the Experience as Director of the Horticultural Experimental Station at National Chung Hsing University: Retrospect and Prospect. In: JC Chang (ed.). Proceedings of the Symposium on Research and Development for Fruit Crops in Taiwan. pp. 253-274. FAO and National Chung Hsing University.
8.Chu, YC, YC Lee, CN Chen and JC Chang. 2021. Assessment, Application and Prpspect to High Temperature Stress Impact on the Reproductive Growth of Pitaya and Litchi. In: Yeh,WB (ed). Proceedings of the Symposium on Challenges and Strategies for the Development of the Fruit Tree Industry in the Central Region in Response to Climate Change. pp.55-71. Taichung District Agricultural and Research Station.
9.Leu, M.H.. 2020. Current Status and the Future of Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Crops in Taiwan. In: Jing, YL. and Chang, PT (eds). Proceedings of the Symposium on Development of Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Crops in Taiwan. p. 1-10. National Chia-Yi University.
10.Chu, YC, YC Lee, MW Pan and JC Chang. 2020. Advance, Application and Adaptation of Fruiting Physiology in Litchi. In: Jing, YL. and Chang, PT (eds). Proceedings of the Symposium on Development of Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Crops in Taiwan. pp. 121-136. National Chia-Yi University.
11.Chang, JC and YI Hsu. 2015. The Development of Temperate Fruit Trees in the Plains of Western Taiwan. In: Lu Ming-De, Song Jia-wei, Shi-Zhao Chang, Yang, Chun Ming (eds). Crisis and Turning-Point for Taiwan Temperate Fruit Tree Industry under Climate Change: Industrial Strengths and Development Strategies. Special Issue No. 189 of the Agricultural Research Institute. Compiled and printed by the Agricultural Research Institute of the Agricultural Committee of the Executive Yuan. pp. 66-88.
12.Lin, T.S. and M.H. Leu. 2006. General Principles of Fruit Production in Taiwan. p. 1-8. Encyclopedia of Agriculture in Taiwan. Vol. II. Harvest Inc., Taipei.
13.Huang, T.B. 1994. The Retrospect and Prospect of Fruit Industry in Taiwan. J. Kor. Soc. Hort. Soc. 35: 180-193.
14.Yearbook of Agriculture. 2021. Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.
1.Li-Fen Lei, 1988. Test on seasonal unit roots in Taiwan’s vegetable prices.
2.Website materials provided by COA (Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C).
3.黃敏展 1998 亞熱帶花卉總論 中興⼤學園藝系p.173-199
4.⿑藤清1969花 育種 誠文堂 新光社407pp.
5.Harding, J., F. Singh and J. N. M. Mol ed. 1991 Genetics and Breeding of Ornamental Species.
6.Hung, L. 1975 Selected Papers on Horticulturial Plant Breeding. Taiwan Univ. 446pp.
Wednesday(10:10am~12:00pm) (星期三,第3、4節)
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2025/01/15 17:50:22 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 14