週次 |
授課內容 |
第1週 |
Circuit Variables (CHAPTER 1)Electrical Engineering: An Overview、The International System of Units、Circuit Analysis: AnOverview、Voltage and Current、The Ideal Basic Circuit Element、Power and Energy |
第2週 |
Circuit Elements (CHAPTER 2)Voltage and Current Sources、Electrical Resistance (Ohm’s Law)、Construction of a CircuitModel、 Kirchhoff’s Laws 、Analysis of a Circuit Containing Dependent Sources |
第3週 |
Simple Resistive Circuits (CHAPTER 3)Resistors in Series、Resistors in Parallel 、The Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider Circuits、Voltage Division and Current Division、Measuring Voltage and Current、Measuring Resistance -The Wheatstone Bridge、Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits |
第4週 |
Simple Resistive Circuits (CHAPTER 3)Measuring Voltage and Current、Measuring Resistance - The Wheatstone Bridge、Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits |
第5週 |
Techniques of Circuit Analysis (CHAPTER 4)Terminology、Introduction to the Node-Voltage Method、The Node-Voltage Method and DependentSources、The Node-Voltage Method: Some Special Cases、Introduction to the Mesh-CurrentMethod、The Mesh-Current Method and Dependent Sources、The Mesh-Current Method: SomeSpecial Cases |
第6週 |
Techniques of Circuit Analysis (CHAPTER 4)The Node-Voltage Method Versus the Mesh-Current Method、Source Transformations、Théveninand Norton Equivalents、More on Deriving a Thévenin Equivalent、Maximum Power Transfer、Superposition |
第7週 |
The Operational Amplifier (CHAPTER 5)Operational Amplifier Terminals、Terminal Voltages and Currents、The Inverting-AmplifierCircuit、The Summing-Amplifier Circuit |
第8週 |
The Operational Amplifier (CHAPTER 5)The Noninverting-Amplifier Circuit、The Difference-Amplifier Circuit、A More Realistic Modelfor the Operational Amplifier |
第9週 |
Inductance, Capacitance,and Mutual Inductance (CHAPTER 6)The Inductor、The Capacitor、Series-Parallel Combinations of Inductance and Capacitance |
第10週 |
Inductance, Capacitance,and Mutual Inductance (CHAPTER 6)Mutual Inductance、A Closer Look at Mutual Inductance |
第11週 |
Response of First-Order RL and RC Circuits (CHAPTER 7)The Natural Response of an RL Circuit、The Natural Response of an RC Circuit |
第12週 |
Response of First-Order RL and RC Circuits (CHAPTER 7)The Step Response of RL and RC Circuits、A General Solution for Step and Natural Responses |
第13週 |
Response of First-Order RL and RC Circuits (CHAPTER 7)Sequential Switching、Unbounded Response、The Integrating Amplifier |
第14週 |
Natural and Step Responses of RLC Circuits (CHAPTER 8)Introduction to the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit、The Forms of the Natural Responseof a Parallel RLC Circuit |
第15週 |
Natural and Step Responses of RLC Circuits (CHAPTER 8)The Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit、The Natural and Step Response of a Series RLCCircuit、A Circuit with Two Integrating Amplifiers |
第16週 |
Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis (CHAPTER 9)The Sinusoidal Source、The Sinusoidal Response、The Phasor、The Passive Circuit Elements inthe Frequency Domain |
第17週 |
Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis (CHAPTER 9)Kirchhoff’s Laws in the Frequency Domain 、Series, Parallel, and Delta-to-Wye Simplifications、Source Transformations and Thévenin-Norton Equivalent Circuits 、The Node-Voltage Method |
第18週 |
Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis (CHAPTER 9)The Mesh-Current Method、The Transformer 、The Ideal Transformer、Phasor Diagrams |