週次 |
授課內容 |
第1週 |
2/19 ~段淑人老師授課, Introduction of course and evaluation (天敵飼育教學展示及害蟲觀察)
Introduction of Biological Control and Microbial Control. (分組-每組6人,推選組長及副組長(排座位) |
第2週 |
2/26, 自主學習- (請於第四周上課時各組口頭報告10分鐘, 個人交書面於3/11 之 23:59前)
What are natural enemies?
What factors should be taken into consideration when releasing the natural enemies? |
第3週 |
3/5, How to set up a mass-rearing system for parasitic wasps or predacious bugs of arthropods. How to apply or improve biocontrol? (苗栗改良場參訪-公館總場, 導覽及專題: 學習天敵量產流程及生物防治田間推廣、蠶蜂應用生技)
(12:30苖改場參訪+專題演講+實習16:30回程) |
第4週 |
3/12, Introduction of predators and parasitoids. (北溝田間採集害蟲與天敵(15:00北溝17:00))
Introduction of entomopathogenic-bacteria (Bt), and virus (NPV) ~ MOA and application
(1.天敵捕食能力評估-葉盤試驗:小黑花椿象防治葉蟎或薊馬; 2.準備生物防治文獻報告-2016-2025年SCI文獻) |
第5週 |
3/19, Microbial control of pest with entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes
(1.接種真菌感染害蟲(操作); 2.接種病毒感染害蟲(展示); 3.接種蟲生線蟲感染害蟲(展示)) |
第6週 |
1.Step-wise programs of classical biological control.
2.Exploring the factors of success and failure of biological control.
(1.真菌感染夜蛾昆蟲幼蟲結果觀察; 2.天敵捕食偏好試驗-黃斑粗喙對不同種夜蛾科害蟲之取食偏好(學生可自行準備其他鱗翅目幼蟲參與試驗,有額外加分)) |
第7週 |
(4/2) 放春假-學校補假 |
第8週 |
1.Case-reviewing of mass-rearing and application for natural enemy and entomo-pathogenic microbial (EPM).
2.Integrating the natural enemies and EPM to facilitate the success of IPM program.
(1. 分組討論整合陳述心得; 2. 分組查詢不同作物群及耕作方式可能造成IPM成敗之因素) |
第9週 |
期中考採口頭報告方式-4/16 (期中報告, 一組三人可討論具有相關性之主題, 並整合後採行共同報告, 其中各組員每人有分配小主題在各組中依序報告-各自依據各一篇SCI文獻, 並於期中考隔日4/17 23:59交出ppt file 上傳i-Learning 作業區, 以評個人成績) |
第10週 |
Introduction of insect microbiology (土壤採集及誘釣) |
第11週 |
Insect gut microbiome (紀錄誘釣死亡率紀錄及觀察) |
第12週 |
Isolation and Identification of insect pathogens-1 (紀錄誘釣死亡率紀錄及觀察- 真菌分離) |
第13週 |
Isolation and Identification of insect pathogens-2 (真菌型態觀察- 真菌對昆蟲致病力篩選) |
第14週 |
Insect and microbiology application by high throughput sequencing technology (真菌對昆蟲致病力篩選結果觀察) |
第15週 |
Insect microorganism genome sequencing by Third generation sequencing technology (真菌核酸樣本萃取及分子鑑定, PCR) |
第16週 |
Practice of TGS applied on EPF genome sequencing (基因體庫建構,上機及分析示範) |
第17週 |
期末考 (期末報告) |
第18週 |
自主學習 |