課程名稱 (中) 大一英文(1048)
(Eng.) Freshman English
開課單位 外文系
課程類別 必修 學分 3 授課教師 吳佩如
選課單位 外文系 / 學士班 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI N 開課學期 1071
課程簡述 The goal of Freshman English: Section B is to enhance English literacy of the students who major in Foreign Languages and Literatures. The course emphasizes the importance of interaction in reading/writing development, and students are encouraged to actively participate in all learning activities in- and after-class. In this reading/writing course, students will be guided to develop reading fluency, improve comprehension of written texts as well as the ability to think and write critically. Upon completion of the course, the students would have acquired:
the ability to guess meanings of words from contexts;
the ability to comprehend main ideas in written texts;
the ability to express personal opinions in clearly written forms;
the ability to reflect on reading materials critically; and
the ability to interact textually with peers.
課程含自主學習 N
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
1. Enhance English literacy of the students who major in Foreign Languages and Literatures.
The contents of the course include vocabulary exercises, reading strategy training, group discussion, reflective writing, etc.

Weekly Schedule

09/10 (Mon): Course Intro & Self-Introduction
09/12 (Wed): Self-Introduction / Reading 1 (NR Introduction xxiii-xli/ Content analysis: Pick One section that you might indulge & Group Presentation Discussion)

09/17 (Mon): Maya Angelou's "Graduation" p. 4-13
09/19 (Wed): Toni Morrison's "Strangers" p.53-55 (Film 1)
09/24 (Mon): No Class: Mid-Autumn Festival
09/26 (Wed): Peter Singer's "What Should a Billionaire Give--and What Should You?" p. 368-379
10/01 (Mon): Understanding Snow Red: Play-Reading Act 1 Warm-Up Exercises.
Alan Lightman's "Our Place in the Universe" p. 500-508 (TBA: Special Guest: Poet Hong Hong 13:10-15:00 Graphic Novel Class Guest)

10/03 (Wed): Special Guest (Director: Tora Hsu ) Talk Promotion on French Play and whatnots
(Assignment Play-reading First Drill & Song Writing Session)
【延禧攻略】雪落下的聲音-秦嵐 《歌詞MV》|富察皇后
四把椅子許哲彬導演演講:Albert Camus (1913-1930) 圍城 (Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota:巴黎市立劇院 & Democracy in America 美國民主 Original playscript by Tocqueville and De La Democratie en Amerique (1830 American Journey)
Dir. by Romeo Castellucci

10/08 (Mon): No Class (Double-Tenth's Day Celebration: Assignment Song Lyrics Composition: Cosmetic Session)
Assignment: Think about one of your favourite songs. Write the Lyrics, try to compose/write your own song using the passage that you are going to use in your Play-reading of Snow Red.

10/10 (Wed) No Class Double-Tenth's Day 台南人劇團《第十二夜》爵士音樂劇 (10/5-10/14 Cloud Gate Theatre) [Invitation.] Check out Wagner's Siegfried in National Taichung Theatre: http://en.npac-ntt.org (10/10, 10/12, 10/14)

10/15 (Mon): Eudora Welty's "One Writer's Beginnings" p. 509-514Reviews of all the readings (Discussions)

10/17 (Wed): Special Guest on Musicals & New York: TBA ; Discussions about readings [Reflection Note 1 Due]
講者:Jejiun Chan 詹喆君 教授(唱歌集音樂劇場總監 Total Musical Theatre Director (2009~) )

Special Reminder: Weekly Performance Info
*****台南人劇團《在世界中心叫不到計程車—於是改搭Uber》 (10/19-11/03: Cloud Gate Theatre)****

10/22 (Mon): Henry Louis Gates, Jr. "In the Kitchen" p. 135-141 (Final Prep for all the Readings before our first round of discussion.)

10/24 (Wed): Special Guest Talk on Translation 1 (Place: Room 410)
Readings: Annie Leonard "The Story of Bottled Water" p. 96-109
講題: 越界:遊走於翻譯與創作之間
講者: 朱浩一 (《我是馬拉拉》、《擁有七個名字的女孩》、《黎明前說我愛你》、《漫畫原來要這樣看》譯者)
時間: 107年10月24日(週三)下午3:10~5:00
地點: 中興大學人文大樓4樓410室

Happy Halloween!!! (Trick or Treat)
***10/28 (Sun) (Daniel Mueller-Shott's Recital 2018: Taichung Opera House)******

10/29 (Mon): Mid-Term Performance Rehearsal ( Library Visit: Learning Common)

10/31 (Wed): Reading Dennis Baron "Facebook Multiplies Genders but Offers Users the Same..." p. 362-364 (Film 2) [Reflection Note 1 Due]

11/05 (Mon): Readings Discussions and Reviews:Find Your Own Voice

11/07 (Wed): Special VIP Playwright: Prof. Wang Chi-Mei's Visit ***** (Share this information & invite your friends)
Lars Eighner's "On Dumpster Diving" p. 13-22 (Reflection Note of Prof. Wang's Talk)

講者: 汪其楣 教授 (資深劇作家)
主持人:吳佩如 (中興大學外文系助理教授)
主辦單位:通識教育中心 協辦單位:中興大學人社中心、中興大學文學院

11/12 (Mon): No Class: Mid-Term Preparation: Reading Recess:
1. Twelfth Night (BBC Series or Other Version)
2. 末代舞者 DVD Reserved @ Library Media Centre 3F (Check with the Counter)

11/14 (Wed): Special Guest Talk on Translation 2 (Place: 410 Room)
講題: 當個譯者好簡單?—翻譯生活的理想與現實
講者: 余淑慧老師((政大英文系兼任教師、曾獲第十七屆梁實秋翻譯文學獎譯文組首獎))
時間: 107年11月14日(週三)下午15:10~17:00
地點: 國立中興大學人文樓4樓410室
主持人: 吳佩如老師(中興大學外文系助理教授)
You can always purchase a copy for book-signing session next week.

11/19 (Mon): Scott McCloud's "from Understanding Comics" p. 537-542 , Michael Hama's "Song Schematics" p. 543-546 (Post Mid-term Conference begins Nov. 28-Dec 2)


11/21 (Wed): Writer's Presentation I & II & Reading Discussions
16:10-17:00 Taichung Opera House: 人力飛行 KiKi 演講(Musicals)

11/26 (Mon): Writer's Presentation III & IV

11/28 (Wed): Special Artist/Curator Talk: 高俊宏 (Place: 410 Room)

12/03 (Mon): Ian Frazier "Take the F" p. 59-66

12/05 (Wed): Special Guest Talk: VM Theatre Company Actress Day: Evoline Tseng & Min Chie Lee's Visit

12/10 (Mon): Writer's Presentation V

12/12 (Wed):Nabokov's "Good Readers and Good Writers" p. 515-519

12/17 (Mon): Writer's Presentation VI

12/19 (Wed): Food Section I: p. 144-173
Playwright : Lou-Ying Wu's Writing Workshop

12/24 (Mon): Christmas Carols Day

12/26 (Wed): Writer's Presentation VII & VIII (Reflection Note II Due)

12/31 (Mon): No Class: Writer's Presentation Prep & Recess for Celebrating Year 2018
(Assignment: Visit a Place that you've never visited...)

Happy New Year: 2019

01/02/2019 (Wed): Sports Section: 174-219

01/07 (Mon): Final Exam Part I. (Rehearsal: Mona ONLY)
01/09 (Wed): FW Talk by Prof. Liang from NTNU (15:10-16:10)
16:20-18:00 ( Final Exam Part II. Performances (Class A and Professors will all be invited to see your performance)
Dinner Party Class A & B
I grade on a 10-point scale (A=90-100; B+=88-89; B=80-87; C+=78-79; C=70-77; D+=68-69; D=60-67; F=59 and below). If you have a question about a grade you receive on an assignment, please feel free to discuss it with me.

The final grade for this course will be determined based on your performance in the following:

Reflection Notes & Class Participation: 20%
Oral Presentation: 20%
Midterm Performance: 30% (Mid-term Conference included)
Final Exam: 30%

Books are available at the University Bookstores (Cave's Bookstore & 新手書店)

(1) The Norton Reader (Shorter 14th Ed.) Eds. by Linda Peterson, John Brereton, Joseph Bizup, Anne Fernald, Melissa Goldthwaite. New York: W. W. Norton, 2012.

(2) 謝雪紅:汪其楣劇作 (台北:允晨, 2018) (Available at 新手書店)check out some independent bookstores.

References: (TBA)


L. V. BEETHOVEN: Violin Sonata No.3 in E-flat Major, Op. 12/3
D. SHOSTAKOVICH: Sonata for Violin and Piano, Op. 134
C. FRANCK: Sonata in A major for Violin and Piano
S. FRENKEL: 7 Pieces from K. Weill's "The Three Penny Opera", transcribed for Violin and Piano(excerpts)
J. HEIFETZ: Selections from Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess", arrangement for Violin and Piano
曲目 │
貝多芬:降E大調第3號小提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 12/3
蕭士塔高維契:小提琴奏鳴曲,Op. 134

曲目 │
巴赫: 降 E 大調第4號無伴奏大提琴組曲,BWV 1010
布列頓: 第3號無伴奏大提琴組曲,Op. 87
韓策: 小夜曲 (1949年)
巴赫: C小調第5號無伴奏大提琴組曲,BWV 1011

J. S. BACH: Cello Suite No. 4 in E-flat Major, BWV 1010
B. BRITTEN: Cello Suite No. 3, Op. 87
H.W. HENZE: Serenade, for cello (1949)
J. S. BACH: Cello Suite No. 5 in C minor, BWV 1011
Office: 文學院 1004
Office Hours: Mondays 10:10-12:00 or by appointment
Email: peijuwu@dragon.nchu.edu.tw Phone: 22840322#1004
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