課程名稱 (中) 大一英文(0917)
(Eng.) Freshman English
開課單位 語言中心
課程類別 必修 學分 2 授課教師 陳昭蓉
選課單位 不限系所 授課使用語言 英文 英文/EMI N 開課學期 1132
課程簡述 Based on essential reading materials, this course aims to provide students with a comprehensive training of all four skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The course encompasses academic lectures and thematic interviews of diverse content areas. Language usage and structural analysis are the pivotal concerns of the classroom activities. The classes entail group discussion to facilitate and motivate students’ learning process. In addition, supplementary reading materials, vocabulary quizzes, and group presentation will also be included to help consolidate students’ English proficiency.

課程含自主學習 N
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
This course aims to reinforce students’ English abilities through a series of exercises, in which students will strengthen their English capacity by means of approaching diverse content areas. Students are expected to develop proficiency in both practical applications of English and structural understanding of English lectures and thematic interviews.
週次 授課內容
第1週 Course orientation/ Unit Seven: Energy Solution
【Reading A】 Powering the Planet
【Reading B】 City of the Future
【Reading Skill】 Identifying Pros and Cons
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluating Pros and Cons
第2週 Unit Seven: Energy Solution
【Reading A】 Powering the Planet
【Reading B】 City of the Future
【Reading Skill】 Identifying Pros and Cons
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluating Pros and Cons
第3週 Unit Seven: Energy Solution
【Reading A】 Powering the Planet
【Reading B】 City of the Future
【Reading Skill】 Identifying Pros and Cons
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluating Pros and Cons
第4週 Unit Nine: High-Tech Solutions
【Reading A】 The Power of Virtual Reality
【Reading B】 High-Flying Helpers
【Reading Skill】 Applying Information from a Text
【Critical Thinking】 Applying ideas
第5週 Unit Nine: High-Tech Solutions
【Reading A】 The Power of Virtual Reality
【Reading B】 High-Flying Helpers
【Reading Skill】 Applying Information from a Text
【Critical Thinking】 Applying ideas
第6週 Unit Nine: High-Tech Solutions
【Reading A】 The Power of Virtual Reality
【Reading B】 High-Flying Helpers
【Reading Skill】 Applying Information from a Text
【Critical Thinking】 Applying ideas
第7週 Unit Ten: All in the Mind
【Reading A】 What’s on Your Mind?
【Reading B】 Inside Animal Mind
【Reading Skill】 Identifying Text Organization
【Critical Thinking】 Applying Concepts
第8週 Unit Ten: All in the Mind
【Reading A】 What’s on Your Mind?
【Reading B】 Inside Animal Mind
【Reading Skill】 Identifying Text Organization
【Critical Thinking】 Applying Concepts
第9週 Unit Ten: All in the Mind
【Reading A】 What’s on Your Mind?
【Reading B】 Inside Animal Mind
【Reading Skill】 Identifying Text Organization
【Critical Thinking】 Applying Concepts
第10週 Post Test(後測) on April 24 in class
第11週 Midterm Exam (Unit 7 & 9)
第12週 Unit Eleven: Visual Pioneers
【Reading A】 Van Gogh’s World
【Reading B】 Seeing the Light
【Reading Skill】 Inferring Information
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluating Evidence
第13週 Unit Eleven: Visual Pioneers
【Reading A】 Van Gogh’s World
【Reading B】 Seeing the Light
【Reading Skill】 Inferring Information
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluating Evidence
第14週 Unit Eleven: Visual Pioneers
【Reading A】 Van Gogh’s World
【Reading B】 Seeing the Light
【Reading Skill】 Inferring Information
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluating Evidence
第15週 Unit Twelve: Far Out
【Reading A】 Defying Gravity
【Reading B】 The Ultimate Trip
【Reading Skill】 Understanding Appositives
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluating Challenges
第16週 Unit Twelve: Far Out / Online Reading Comprehension Assignment (Online flexible course)
【Reading A】 Defying Gravity
【Reading B】 The Ultimate Trip
【Reading Skill】 Understanding Appositives
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluating Challenges
第17週 Unit Twelve: Far Out / Online Reading Comprehension Assignment (Online flexible course)
【Reading A】 Defying Gravity
【Reading B】 The Ultimate Trip
【Reading Skill】 Understanding Appositives
【Critical Thinking】 Evaluating Challenges
第18週 Final Recording Submission
1. Class Performance 25%: Presence, In-class Activity & Discussion, Assignment
2. Midterm exam: 30%
3. Final Presentation: 30%
4. Post Test(後測)[15%]: The Post Test will be held in the classroom.
Reading Explorer 3 / National Geographic
The textbook is the same as the one we used in the previous semester. For those who’d like to purchase it, you could buy one from the Caves Book website: https://www.mytb.com.tw/index.html
Other supplementary materials and handouts will be distributed in class.
Online learning resources: ELTNGL.com/readingexplorerseries
Friday: 10-12 (by appointment)
03.健康與福祉   06.淨水與衛生   07.可負擔能源   11.永續城市   12.責任消費與生產   13.氣候行動提供體驗課程:N
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2025/02/06 10:44:51 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 15