課程名稱 (中) 英文/語文領域英文教學實習(0813)
(Eng.) Teaching Practicum of English
開課單位 師培中心
課程類別 必修 學分 2 授課教師 吳文琪
選課單位 不限系所 授課使用語言 中/英文 英文/EMI 開課學期 1132
課程簡述 1.Enhance students' English writing and speaking abilities.
2.Experience both material project design and short-term extramural teaching internships through a two-in-one course design, achieving two goals simultaneously.
3.Develop students' multimodal literacy skills.
4.Improve students' programming/coding capabilities.
5.Apply self-developed 3D materials for practical teaching experiences.
先修課程名稱 英文/語文領域英文教材教法 課程含自主學習 Y
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) 課程目標之教學方法與評量方法
課程目標 核心能力 配比(%) 教學方法 評量方法
1.Use of lectures and video teaching, including operation of the CoSpaces Edu platform, production of 3D VR digital learning materials, and teaching methods.
2.Application of learning-by-doing through the creation of teaching materials using the CoSpaces Edu VR animation platform and SVVR UpTale.
3.Teaching language learning methods, strategies, and principles, integrated with the ASSURE Model and ADDIE Model to design a series of CoSpaces Edu production processes and steps for student creativity.
4.Students personally visit elementary and secondary schools to conduct trial teaching for three weeks using their self-developed VR digital teaching materials.
週次 授課內容
第1週 Course Introduction:This course focuses on the goals of developing 3D interactive teaching materials and implementing off-campus trial teaching
第2週 Phase One: Preliminary Course on Relevant Technologies and Background Knowledge:1. Introduction to CoSpaces and UpTale as well as a workshop on multimodal communication and expression & Coding Skills training。2. Inviting teachers or industry experts specialized in CoSpaces Edu and Uptale technology and familiar with multimodal production for co-teaching sessions
第3週 Phase One: Preliminary Course on Relevant Technologies and Background Knowledge:1. Introduction to CoSpaces and UpTale as well as a workshop on multimodal communication and expression & Coding Skills training。2. Inviting teachers or industry experts specialized in CoSpaces Edu and Uptale technology and familiar with multimodal production for co-teaching sessions
第4週 Phase One: Preliminary Course on Relevant Technologies and Background Knowledge:1. Introduction to CoSpaces and UpTale as well as a workshop on multimodal communication and expression & Coding Skills training。2. Inviting teachers or industry experts specialized in CoSpaces Edu and Uptale technology and familiar with multimodal production for co-teaching sessions
第5週 Phase Two: Acquisition of Teaching Theory/Methodology Knowledge and Creative Material Development by Students:
1.Teaching language learning methods/theories, strategies, and principles, including various approaches like CLT, Grammar Translation, TBLT, Whole Language Approach, Total Physical Response, Suggestopedia, Nature Way, Silent Way, Learner Centered Approach, Cooperative and Collaborative Learning, Engagement Theory, etc :
2.Learning the ASSURE Model and ADDIE Model to carefully design a series of CoSpaces Edu project creation processes for student creativity
3.Analyzing the learning culture of elementary/middle school students during trial teaching to identify engaging topics that motivate English learning
4.Internet research and designing CoSpaces Edu multimedia content and UpTale, with each team member responsible for English scriptwriting and oral recording in CoSpaces Edu and UpTale
5.Teachers and teaching assistants to supervise and check each student’s work weekly, ensuring participation and contribution to group work
6.Production of CoSpaces Edu and UpTale content projects, including writing, recording, sound effects, and 3D VR animation and SVVR creation in English.
7.Peer assessment and feedback for each group
8.Designing trial teaching lesson plans, including objectives, teaching methods, CoSpaces Edu content, and enhancement of English skills for elementary and middle school students
第6週 Phase Two: Acquisition of Teaching Theory/Methodology Knowledge and Creative Material Development by Students:
1.Teaching language learning methods/theories, strategies, and principles, including various approaches like CLT, Grammar Translation, TBLT, Whole Language Approach, Total Physical Response, Suggestopedia, Nature Way, Silent Way, Learner Centered Approach, Cooperative and Collaborative Learning, Engagement Theory, etc :
2.Learning the ASSURE Model and ADDIE Model to carefully design a series of CoSpaces Edu project creation processes for student creativity
3.Analyzing the learning culture of elementary/middle school students during trial teaching to identify engaging topics that motivate English learning
4.Internet research and designing CoSpaces Edu multimedia content and UpTale, with each team member responsible for English scriptwriting and oral recording in CoSpaces Edu and UpTale
5.Teachers and teaching assistants to supervise and check each student’s work weekly, ensuring participation and contribution to group work
6.Production of CoSpaces Edu and UpTale content projects, including writing, recording, sound effects, and 3D VR animation and SVVR creation in English.
7.Peer assessment and feedback for each group
8.Designing trial teaching lesson plans, including objectives, teaching methods, CoSpaces Edu content, and enhancement of English skills for elementary and middle school students
第7週 校慶及運動會補假
第8週 Phase Two: Acquisition of Teaching Theory/Methodology Knowledge and Creative Material Development by Students:
1.Teaching language learning methods/theories, strategies, and principles, including various approaches like CLT, Grammar Translation, TBLT, Whole Language Approach, Total Physical Response, Suggestopedia, Nature Way, Silent Way, Learner Centered Approach, Cooperative and Collaborative Learning, Engagement Theory, etc :
2.Learning the ASSURE Model and ADDIE Model to carefully design a series of CoSpaces Edu project creation processes for student creativity
3.Analyzing the learning culture of elementary/middle school students during trial teaching to identify engaging topics that motivate English learning
4.Internet research and designing CoSpaces Edu multimedia content and UpTale, with each team member responsible for English scriptwriting and oral recording in CoSpaces Edu and UpTale
5.Teachers and teaching assistants to supervise and check each student’s work weekly, ensuring participation and contribution to group work
6.Production of CoSpaces Edu and UpTale content projects, including writing, recording, sound effects, and 3D VR animation and SVVR creation in English.
7.Peer assessment and feedback for each group
8.Designing trial teaching lesson plans, including objectives, teaching methods, CoSpaces Edu content, and enhancement of English skills for elementary and middle school students
第9週 Phase Two: Acquisition of Teaching Theory/Methodology Knowledge and Creative Material Development by Students:
1.Teaching language learning methods/theories, strategies, and principles, including various approaches like CLT, Grammar Translation, TBLT, Whole Language Approach, Total Physical Response, Suggestopedia, Nature Way, Silent Way, Learner Centered Approach, Cooperative and Collaborative Learning, Engagement Theory, etc :
2.Learning the ASSURE Model and ADDIE Model to carefully design a series of CoSpaces Edu project creation processes for student creativity
3.Analyzing the learning culture of elementary/middle school students during trial teaching to identify engaging topics that motivate English learning
4.Internet research and designing CoSpaces Edu multimedia content and UpTale, with each team member responsible for English scriptwriting and oral recording in CoSpaces Edu and UpTale
5.Teachers and teaching assistants to supervise and check each student’s work weekly, ensuring participation and contribution to group work
6.Production of CoSpaces Edu and UpTale content projects, including writing, recording, sound effects, and 3D VR animation and SVVR creation in English.
7.Peer assessment and feedback for each group
8.Designing trial teaching lesson plans, including objectives, teaching methods, CoSpaces Edu content, and enhancement of English skills for elementary and middle school students
第10週 Phase Two: Acquisition of Teaching Theory/Methodology Knowledge and Creative Material Development by Students:
1.Teaching language learning methods/theories, strategies, and principles, including various approaches like CLT, Grammar Translation, TBLT, Whole Language Approach, Total Physical Response, Suggestopedia, Nature Way, Silent Way, Learner Centered Approach, Cooperative and Collaborative Learning, Engagement Theory, etc :
2.Learning the ASSURE Model and ADDIE Model to carefully design a series of CoSpaces Edu project creation processes for student creativity
3.Analyzing the learning culture of elementary/middle school students during trial teaching to identify engaging topics that motivate English learning
4.Internet research and designing CoSpaces Edu multimedia content and UpTale, with each team member responsible for English scriptwriting and oral recording in CoSpaces Edu and UpTale
5.Teachers and teaching assistants to supervise and check each student’s work weekly, ensuring participation and contribution to group work
6.Production of CoSpaces Edu and UpTale content projects, including writing, recording, sound effects, and 3D VR animation and SVVR creation in English.
7.Peer assessment and feedback for each group
8.Designing trial teaching lesson plans, including objectives, teaching methods, CoSpaces Edu content, and enhancement of English skills for elementary and middle school students
第11週 Phase Two: Acquisition of Teaching Theory/Methodology Knowledge and Creative Material Development by Students:
1.Teaching language learning methods/theories, strategies, and principles, including various approaches like CLT, Grammar Translation, TBLT, Whole Language Approach, Total Physical Response, Suggestopedia, Nature Way, Silent Way, Learner Centered Approach, Cooperative and Collaborative Learning, Engagement Theory, etc :
2.Learning the ASSURE Model and ADDIE Model to carefully design a series of CoSpaces Edu project creation processes for student creativity
3.Analyzing the learning culture of elementary/middle school students during trial teaching to identify engaging topics that motivate English learning
4.Internet research and designing CoSpaces Edu multimedia content and UpTale, with each team member responsible for English scriptwriting and oral recording in CoSpaces Edu and UpTale
5.Teachers and teaching assistants to supervise and check each student’s work weekly, ensuring participation and contribution to group work
6.Production of CoSpaces Edu and UpTale content projects, including writing, recording, sound effects, and 3D VR animation and SVVR creation in English.
7.Peer assessment and feedback for each group
8.Designing trial teaching lesson plans, including objectives, teaching methods, CoSpaces Edu content, and enhancement of English skills for elementary and middle school students
第12週 Phase Two: Acquisition of Teaching Theory/Methodology Knowledge and Creative Material Development by Students:
1.Teaching language learning methods/theories, strategies, and principles, including various approaches like CLT, Grammar Translation, TBLT, Whole Language Approach, Total Physical Response, Suggestopedia, Nature Way, Silent Way, Learner Centered Approach, Cooperative and Collaborative Learning, Engagement Theory, etc :
2.Learning the ASSURE Model and ADDIE Model to carefully design a series of CoSpaces Edu project creation processes for student creativity
3.Analyzing the learning culture of elementary/middle school students during trial teaching to identify engaging topics that motivate English learning
4.Internet research and designing CoSpaces Edu multimedia content and UpTale, with each team member responsible for English scriptwriting and oral recording in CoSpaces Edu and UpTale
5.Teachers and teaching assistants to supervise and check each student’s work weekly, ensuring participation and contribution to group work
6.Production of CoSpaces Edu and UpTale content projects, including writing, recording, sound effects, and 3D VR animation and SVVR creation in English.
7.Peer assessment and feedback for each group
8.Designing trial teaching lesson plans, including objectives, teaching methods, CoSpaces Edu content, and enhancement of English skills for elementary and middle school students
第13週 Phase Three: Trial Teaching Stage:
1.trial teaching in middle schools off-campus
2.Teaching service in middle schools, aligning with the SDGs goal of ’Quality Education’ to bridge digital and English proficiency gaps between urban and rural areas, fulfilling the university’s social responsibility (USR)
3.Collecting and analyzing the responses and learning experiences of middle school students to improve teaching methods through reflective practice
4.Classroom sharing of trial teaching experiences, including peer review and peer feedback
5.Post-survey implementation and writing reflective journals
6.Conducting interviews
第14週 Phase Three: Trial Teaching Stage:
1.trial teaching in middle schools off-campus
2.Teaching service in middle schools, aligning with the SDGs goal of ’Quality Education’ to bridge digital and English proficiency gaps between urban and rural areas, fulfilling the university’s social responsibility (USR)
3.Collecting and analyzing the responses and learning experiences of middle school students to improve teaching methods through reflective practice
4.Classroom sharing of trial teaching experiences, including peer review and peer feedback
5.Post-survey implementation and writing reflective journals
6.Conducting interviews
第15週 Phase Three: Trial Teaching Stage:
1.trial teaching in middle schools off-campus
2.Teaching service in middle schools, aligning with the SDGs goal of ’Quality Education’ to bridge digital and English proficiency gaps between urban and rural areas, fulfilling the university’s social responsibility (USR)
3.Collecting and analyzing the responses and learning experiences of middle school students to improve teaching methods through reflective practice
4.Classroom sharing of trial teaching experiences, including peer review and peer feedback
5.Post-survey implementation and writing reflective journals
6.Conducting interviews
第16週 Phase Three: Trial Teaching Stage:
1.trial teaching in middle schools off-campus
2.Teaching service in middle schools, aligning with the SDGs goal of ’Quality Education’ to bridge digital and English proficiency gaps between urban and rural areas, fulfilling the university’s social responsibility (USR)
3.Collecting and analyzing the responses and learning experiences of middle school students to improve teaching methods through reflective practice
4.Classroom sharing of trial teaching experiences, including peer review and peer feedback
5.Post-survey implementation and writing reflective journals
6.Conducting interviews
第17週 自主學習
第18週 自主學習
Each element is worth 20 points and the total is 100 points.
(1) Evaluating the English oral and written texts in CoSpaces Edu and Uptale projects using scoring rubrics to assess learners’ English speaking and writing skills. (2) Assessing programming files based on the structure, length, professionalism, writing techniques, difficulty level, and conciseness of the code. (3) Analyzing and grading students’ reflective essays. (4) Using a rubric to evaluate the overall quality of the 3D VR teaching materials. End-of-term student oral presentation showcase. (5) Student Attendance and in-class participation
Instructor self-developed multi-media teaching materials
Teaching by Principles-An interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy by H. Douglas Brown

03.健康與福祉   04.教育品質   10.減少不平等   17.全球夥伴提供體驗課程:N
更新日期 西元年/月/日:2025/02/11 21:58:57 列印日期 西元年/月/日:2025 / 3 / 14