國立中興大學教學大綱 |
課程名稱 (course name) |
(中) 專題討論-微生物組(二)(9102) | ||||
(Eng.) Seminar on Veterinary Microbiology (II) | |||||
開課單位 (offering dept.) |
微衛所 | ||||
課程類別 (course type) |
必修 | 學分 (credits) |
1 | 授課教師 (teacher) |
張伯俊 等 |
選課單位 (department) |
微衛博博士班 | 授課語言 (language) |
中文 | 開課學期 (semester) |
1132 |
課程簡述 (course description) |
口頭報告與問題發問(2學分,上下學期各1學分) | ||||
先修課程名稱 (prerequisites) |
課程與核心能力關聯配比(%) (relevance of course objectives and core learning outcomes(%)) |
課程目標之教學方法與評量方法 (teaching and assessment methods for course objectives) |
課程目標 | 核心能力 | 配比(%) | 教學方法 | 評量方法 | ||||||||||||
1. 由博士班學生上台以英文報告與獸醫微生物相關研究論文,老師與同學在台下發問,從中訓練同學報告之資料收集、整理歸納、邏輯思考、表達能力、以及上台以英文報告之經驗與面對問題時之應對能力等。 |
授課內容(單元名稱與內容、習作/每週授課、考試進度-共18週) (course content and homework/tests schedule) |
1. 修課學生應自微生物相關之英文期刊中選擇論文進行報告,每週報告 1-2人,至所有同學完成報告。( The student should give one presentation on research work published in scientific journal related to microbiology. There are one or two presentations in each week until all presentations are done.) 2. 英文摘要 (以A4一張為限) 須於報告日前一週之星期四前, 送至評分老師之信箱,同一期限請將題目繳予系辦公室。(The abstract in A4 format should be sent to all professors and the office one week before the presentation) 3. 二次無故不到者及每學期發問未超5次者,該學期成績以不及格計算。(Any student that is absent without a permitted request for leave for more than one times or asking question less than five times will fail this course) 4. 演講之開場白及序言部分應使用英文,之後的講演可用中文或英文。(The introduction of this presentation should be given orally in English; other sections can be given in English or Chinese) 5. 演講內容最好就特定專題深入探討以介紹該專題之較近研究成果為佳。(The presentation should be focused on a specific topic and on the research work conducted recently) 6. 書面報告應打字且於學期結束前交至各老師處,其結論應有自己的感想與評論。(A final report in a written form should be sent to all professors before the end of each semester)。 | ||||||||||||||||
學習評量方式 (evaluation) |
課堂出席 (presence) (20%),報告內容 (contents of presentation) (50%),問題發問 (question asking) (20%),書面報告 (final report) (10%) | ||||||||||||||||
教科書&參考書目(書名、作者、書局、代理商、說明) (textbook & other references) |
所有與獸醫微生物相關之英文期刊(All scientific journal related to veterinary microbiology) | ||||||||||||||||
課程教材(教師個人網址請列在本校內之網址) (teaching aids & teacher's website) |
課程輔導時間 (office hours) |
Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00 |
請尊重智慧財產權及性別平等意識,不得非法影印他人著作。 | 列印日期:2025 年 3 月 14 日 |